Get free, confidential support — whenever you’re ready.

Whether you have experienced a sexual assault yourself, or want to know more about how to help your child, a friend or someone else, we’re here 24/7 with support and information to empower you to take your next steps.

Get Help Now

A man wearing a green shirt holding his arms above his head and making a heart shape with his hands
A speech bubble made out of red, vertical lines
A tan speech bubble
A woman wearing a white shirt holding onto a gold half-circle shape
A series of gold dots
A speech bubble made out of red, vertical lines

What is sexual assault?

Anytime someone is forced, coerced and/or manipulated into any unwanted or illegal sexual activity, it is a sexual assault. Sexual assault or abuse are terms we use in our work to talk about the broad spectrum of unwanted or illegal behaviors. The term sexual assault, used throughout our site, is generally used in reference to adults. When it involves a child or teen who has been victimized, we frequently use the term child sexual abuse.

Learn more at our blog

What does KCSARC do?

KCSARC is an independent nonprofit serving survivors and their families throughout King County and engaging communities in building a world without sexual assault.

KCSARC’s long history as a trusted and expert resource gives us the experience and expertise to empower survivors, change attitudes, shape statewide policy, remove barriers, and hold systems accountable.

Get to know KCSARC


Resources for...


Families & Caregivers



Our Services

telephone icon
Resource Line
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family heart icon
Family Services
easel icon
Prevention & Education
handshake icon
General Advocacy
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Legal Advocacy
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Dando Voz (En Español)
BE LOUD Breakfast 2025 logo

36th annual BE LOUD Breakfast

Thank you to our speakers, sponsors, donors and everyone who joined us at the BE LOUD Breakfast! We are thrilled to have supporters like you, who continue KCSARC’s vital work in our community.

If you missed the event, there’s still time to make an impact! Please consider supporting our work with a gift:


Follow along on Facebook

Land acknowledgment

We wish to acknowledge that KCSARC serves all of King County, which is on unceded ancestral land that belongs to Indigenous peoples. These lands are the traditional home of the Coast Salish peoples, including but not limited to the Duwamish, Muckleshoot, Puyallup, Snoqualmie, Stillaguamish, Suquamish, and Tulalip tribes. These acknowledgments do not fulfill our obligations to build and foster authentic relationships with Indigenous communities, but serve as a step in honoring the land we are on.

Please visit these links to learn more.

Duwamish Tribe
Muckleshoot Tribe
Puyallup Tribe
Snoqualmie Tribe
Stillaguamish Tribe
Suquamish Tribe
Tulalip Tribe

Real Rent Duwamish
Seattle University Indigenous People Institute

All welcome, with icons showing wheelchair, Black Lives Matter, pride flag

We acknowledge that the systems we operate within are deeply rooted in racism and oppression. We stand with victims, especially those from historically marginalized communities, recognizing the compounded harm caused by these systemic inequities.

425.282.0324 — Ayuda en Español

Gratis y confidencial / Llame de lunes a viernes 8 am - 5 pm

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888.998.6423 — 24/7 Resource Line

Free and confidential / Call for help or information 24 hours a day