Dando Voz:

Free, confidential services and support in Spanish


Through our Dando Voz (Giving Voice) program, survivors and their families who speak Spanish can access the full breadth of KCSARC’s comprehensive services.
We provide a safe, free, and accessible place to turn when survivors and their families need help or information.

Then, and now

KCSARC began providing legal advocacy to Spanish-speaking clients in 1998. By 2007, all of KCSARC’s services were available to sexual assault survivors and their families in Spanish, and Dando Voz (Giving Voice) was created with the goal of providing culturally responsive services within the Latinx community.

Now, more than 15 dedicated bilingual staff provide care and support to nearly 500 children and adults who have experienced sexual assault or abuse each year.

Dando Voz honors and respects the vast diversity present within the Latinx community and recognizes that every individual and family has unique experiences and needs. Our respect for and attention to the unique needs and experiences of survivors and their families is our starting point for supporting them in a culturally responsive manner.

How we help

Through its Dando Voz program, KCSARC provides supportive services that survivors and their families need as they cope with the many impacts of sexual abuse, including legal, behavioral health, and family issues.

For many Latinx survivors and families, sexual assault may raise specific cultural or linguistic challenges that prevent them from speaking out or receiving support. We strive to recognize and minimize the impact of systemic obstacles, such as immigration policies, racism, xenophobia, or language barriers, which make reporting sexual assault and accessing supportive services more difficult.

Our team of bilingual client care specialists, legal advocates, family services specialist, case manager, and therapists work together with and empower survivors and their families to navigate the barriers that often stand in the way of healing and thriving.

Dando Voz continually seeks to improve its cultural responsiveness in order to equitably meet the needs of survivors and their families, now and in the future.

Abriendo Puertas (Opening Doors) Project


KCSARC, along with partnering law firms, offers King County’s only holistic legal assistance program providing sexual assault victims access to immigration and family law expertise, all in a linguistically and culturally appropriate manner.

Learn more

Contact Dando Voz

For help or information, or to learn about free and confidential resources available in Spanish:

Call 425.282.0324 (M-F, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.)

Or email dandovoz@kcsarc.org

425.282.0324 — Ayuda en Español

Gratis y confidencial / Llame de lunes a viernes 8 am - 5 pm

Donate Now

888.998.6423 — 24/7 Resource Line

Free and confidential / Call for help or information 24 hours a day

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