A message to KCSARC supporters
09.13.17 | By Mary Ellen Stone
Category: Executive Director Message, Prevention & Education
Type: Blog
09.13.17 | By Mary Ellen Stone
Category: Executive Director Message, Prevention & Education
Type: Blog
Mayor Murray’s resignation again puts sexual assault, and the victims of assault, in the headlines.
With four decades of experience listening to and helping victims of sexual assault, we know:
The reports of assaults by Mayor Murray mirror those our staff hear every day. While we will never know exactly what happened, Mayor Murray’s decision to step down is the right one.
The events of the past several months reinforce that:
We must make sure our children and youth have consistent and on-going messages that encourage relationships based on respect and consent. They need to see gender roles and norms that value mutuality, not exploitation, and they need to know adults in their lives can talk about these issues.
KCSARC has resources that can help adults talk about this, including 100 Conversations and he told me not to tell.
KCSARC exists to help victims and their families recover and reclaim their lives. We are available to anyone who wants information or assistance because of a sexual assault. And if we can’t provide the right type of help, we will find someone who can.
Call us 24/7 at 888.99.VOICE.
Mary Ellen Stone, Executive Director
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