2023-24 Impact Report
Going strong,
thanks to you!
To give voice to victims, their families and communities, to create change in beliefs, attitudes and behaviors about sexual violence, and instill courage for people to speak out about sexual assault.
From our CEO and Board President
Dear Friends,
Thank you for your partnership with the King County Sexual Assault Resource Center (KCSARC) this past year. Your support has been crucial to our ability to assist survivors and their families, and to provide essential prevention resources to our communities.
In 2023, the Board announced our long-time director, Mary Ellen Stone, would retire after 44 years of visionary guidance. Following an extensive nationwide search, the Board announced its decision to hire Kate, who took on the CEO role last October. We’re pleased to report the leadership transition has gone well, supported by an active Board and collaborative leadership team.
During this period of change, our agency assisted 4,805 survivors and their families, and provided 5,463 individuals the skills needed to be better bystanders and collaborators in pushing back on sexual violence.
Our work in advocacy, therapy, and prevention continues to face high demand.
The need for prevention education has nearly doubled, reflecting an urgent call in schools and communities for specialized responses to problematic behaviors.
Our advocacy and therapy teams delivered personalized support to survivors and families at the moment they reached out. If we could wave a magic wand, it would be to reduce the caseloads for our legal advocates, which remain stubbornly high due to delays in the court system.
Our commitment to amplifying lived experiences and addressing gaps in support systems has led to significant collaborations and initiatives, such as the online Resource Connector and advocacy for victim rights. See below for highlights.
The 2024 BE LOUD Breakfast was a powerful testament to our collective dedication to supporting survivors and ending sexual violence as we know it. Your presence and support underscored the solidarity within our community, inspiring us for the challenges ahead.
Looking forward, we anticipate turbulent times for victim services, exacerbated by significant cuts in federal VOCA funding and local budget reductions. But your strong support is crucial ballast as we navigate these uncertainties.
Thank you for being the steadfast anchor that ensures KCSARC’s strength and resilience now and in the future. We deeply value your partnership and look forward to continuing our meaningful work together.
Kate Krug
Marilyn Sherron
Board President
Comprehensive services, always

In 2023, KCSARC assisted 4,805 survivors and their family members, each with their own story to tell, each with unique and individual needs.
Our comprehensive services — like medical and legal advocacy, referral and resource connection, therapy and family support — helped survivors heal.
Throughout this report, you’ll find messages from our Empowered Voices members, who share what connecting with KCSARC meant for them. Please join us in thanking these resilient survivors for their courage in speaking out.
Sarah’s message
Support, information and resources 24 hours a day

24-hour Resource Line
3,035 callers last year accessed information, crisis support and connection to services by dialing 1.888.99.VOICE.
Survivors access effective therapy to regain their lives

Trauma-Specific Therapy
Last year, 408 children, teens and adults participated in trauma-specific, evidence-based therapy at KCSARC.

Family Services
Parents of 195 children receiving KCSARC services to help them recover from the trauma of sexual assault learned how to better facilitate their child’s healing.
New parenting groups
Almost half of the survivors KCSARC helps are children and teens. With the knowledge that young survivors need the support of their non-offending parent or other caregiver as they recover, family support has always been core to the services KCSARC provides.
We expanded on that in 2023 by launching new groups for parents/caregivers that help them make sense of their child’s experience and manage their young child’s behaviors.
Groups called A New Day and Walking Together are facilitated by KCSARC therapists. Each focuses on common reactions to trauma, the dynamics of sexual abuse and assault, and ways to improve communication. Each group is offered for English- and Spanish-speaking participants.
“This group was extremely useful in helping me see where a lot of my emotions are coming from. I also took away various tools to help rebuild a connection with my daughter. Thank you so much for offering these sessions!”
“Este grupo me ayudó a no sentirme culpable por lo que pasó, I a entender que esto si se puede superar.”
(“This group helped me to not feel guilty about what happened, and to understand that this can be overcome.”)
Heaven’s message
Lorna’s message
Building resilience and new hope for Latinx survivors

Dando Voz (Giving Voice)
608 Spanish-speaking clients accessed culturally relevant therapy, legal advocacy, family education and referrals in 2023.
Helping thousands to heal and seek justice

Legal Advocacy
Our legal advocacy team supported and empowered 2,349 survivors to make decisions right for them as they navigated the complex and challenging legal system.

Client Advocacy Support
Last year, our team of client care specialists responded to and connected 2,198 survivors and their families to specific services to meet their individual needs.
Lynne’s message
Raising our voice for systems change
KCSARC continued to advocate for improved response to survivors, whether or not they choose to report their sexual assault or engage in the criminal justice system. A few highlights of our work this past year:
- After KCSARC and partners called attention to the lack of response to adult survivors reporting to the Seattle Police Department in late 2022, we launched and publicized a new online Resource Connector early last year to help survivors identify where they could best access supportive services that match their individual needs.
- We ended 2023 by speaking out in testimony to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, urging equity for victims in the form of data to inform us of their experience in the criminal justice system.
- In early 2024, we issued our Navigating Justice report, an anticipated follow-up to our Long Wait report. Navigating Justice analyzed outcomes for 408 victims of sexual assault with legal cases backlogged in Superior Court during the pandemic. The report was featured in The Seattle Times, KUOW, KOMO and other outlets.
Preventing sexual violence

Prevention Education & Outreach
Individuals trained: 5,463
Total reached via digital platforms: 53,176
With every conversation, we’re actively ending sexual violence.
Collaborating with GenZ to make sexual violence a relic
Building community partnerships to better assist survivors
In 2023, we expanded and solidified our community partnerships, focusing intentionally on serving people whose voices and needs have often been marginalized.
Collaborating with schools, school districts and other community nonprofits, we are in particular reaching more young people and their families who may have added difficulty due to cultural barriers in discussing sexual assault, mental health, healthy relationships and related topics.
A new partnership with HealthPoint is one example. Almost 40% of students enrolled in the Highline School District identify as Hispanic/Latinx. By partnering with HealthPoint, we now have a KCSARC Spanish-speaking bilingual/bicultural therapist at Highline High School in Burien. Our presence is helping more young survivors connect to therapy and other services.
We’ve also strengthened partnerships in our prevention work: Last year, we began a joint project with El Centro de la Raza to connect bilingual therapists and advocates and prevention staff with high school students in Federal Way. With a specific focus on Latinx students and parents, KCSARC’s team facilitates monthly meetings with students and parents to help develop common understandings about sexual assault, consent, how to respond to disclosures, and more.
And we have been pleased to share what we know with community and system partners who want to better respond to sexual assault survivors. We have trained staff at local domestic violence organizations, members of the climbing community, and even systems professionals like the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office.
Welcoming all
Anti-Racism and Equity
We celebrate and are informed by the diverse communities represented by our clients and their families, our staff and our Board.
We seek to better understand ways we can authentically and more effectively be of service to our communities, with a special emphasis on listening to survivors whose identities and experiences have been historically marginalized.
KCSARC leadership and staff recognize that we operate in a world deeply afflicted by racism and inequity. This topic began as a conversation among staff and leadership many years ago. Today, that effort is formally embodied in a staff-led Anti-Racism and Equity Initiative (AREI).
The AREI committee, together with our leadership team, has operationalized a multi-year plan to help KCSARC staff recognize and root out racism and inequities inherent in our day-to-day actions. This team completed several critical goals over the last year on the path to advance equity throughout the organization.
Under the leadership of our co-chairs, Legal Advocate Jordan Walker and Development and Donor Information Manager Nina Tarik, we achieved several major milestones:
- Finalized criteria that helps the organization evaluate policies and practices to ensure they reflect values of equity and antiracism;
- Developed foundational training in anti-racist and equitable practices and trained all current staff. This training is now provided to all new staff during onboarding;
- All staff are required to complete cultural competency training hours;
- Regular staff opportunities are in place to learn about topics that have contributed to historic oppression, such as housing redlining, LGBTQ history and activism, and racial disproportionality present in our criminal justice system.

Nina Tarik

Jordan Walker
We want to recognize and thank Jordan and Nina, who concluded their terms as co-chairs this spring for this progress.
As KCSARC Clinical Director Agustina Eiff steps up to chair this critical committee, we look forward to continued progress in this area.
Key client demographics
Not every survivor or family chooses to share information about race, ethnicity, gender or other demographics. But where clients share this information with KCSARC, it helps to inform and improve our work.

CLIENT GENDER: Most survivors seeking help at KCSARC identify as female, but males and trans/non-binary survivors comprise 18% of clients.
Andy’s message

CLIENT GEOGRAPHY: KCSARC supported survivors from every community in King County in 2023.
2023 Financials
*Unaudited figures at time of publication. Updates, if any, will be posted here when available. All audited financial statements and 990 reports are available here.
Revenue figures add up to 101% due to rounding.
Thank you to our 2023 donors & partners
We are grateful for the partnership of so many individuals, corporations and foundations who share our vision.
Our generous community contributed $2.15 million to KCSARC in 2023, a full 25% of our entire budget.
“Over the years, I have learned how comprehensive and caring KCSARC services are for survivors and how they help prevent sexual violence. They lead beyond King County, advocating for survivor needs in the legislature and the judicial system. KCSARC is a unique and invaluable resource to victims of sexual assault and the community.”
-Sylvia Shiroyama

Photo courtesy of Valley Medical Center, Board of Trustees.
“I have supported KCSARC because I know work is being done to heal individuals and families. It’s all about healing for me. Unfortunately, bad things happen but KCSARC provides a healing path to allow people to recover and have a new life.”
-Bernie Dochnahl, Legacy Circle Member
Angela and Eric Bultemeier
Suzanne Krahling
Maribeth O’Connor and Chuck Nordhoff
Ellen Ferguson and Diana Sill
Bill and Janette Adamucci
Frank and Charlene Blethen
Deepti Busireddy
Rosanne Esposito-Ross and Louis Ross
Rebecca Roe and Tim Greenleaf
Jan Levy
Margaret Walker
Constance Albrecht
Deirdre and Fraser Black
Thomas Thompson and Lisca Borichewski
Timothy Burgess
Paula and William Clapp
Kandace and Rick Holley
Jim Howard
Alden and Meghan Kroll
Brian and Diane Langstraat
Lynn Manley and Lex Lindsey
Marta Lowe
Elisabeth and Kit Merker
Jim and Mariette O’Donnell
Judy Pigott
Lisa Schaures
Amy and Patrick Schlight
Diana and Derek Schuetz
Katherine and Michael Stanfill
Donald Guthrie and Candace Tkachuck
Lauren Venezia
Anne and Greg Adams
Robert Albers
Allison Albrecht
Carl Albrecht
Kathleen Anamosa and Jim Taggard
Laurie Anderson
Jessica and Jason Anderson
Carole and Gerald Anderson
Ana Anuradhika
Timothy and Andrea Barber
Paul Birney
Aurora Blackmore
Judith and J. Cleve Borth
Leslie and Joshua Boyd
Summer and Kyle Bozick
Marnix Brinkhoff
Dodi and Richard Briscoe
G. Paul Brown
Jonathan and Carol Buchter
Tom and Julie Bui
Gaylia and Larry Bullock
David Burman
Camille Gearhart and Timothy Burner
Collin Burnett
Mary and Mel Butler
Rick and Terri Catalani
Rebecca Cates
Christine Charbonneau
Bruce and Lynn Coffey
Ryan Cudney
Crissa Cugini
Elizabeth Dennis
Jason Diamond
Bernadene and Dennis Dochnahl
Mark and Melissa Eamer
Noah Edelstein and Dianna Winegarden
Paul Elliott
Tiffiny Evans
Patty and Steven Fleischmann
Carol Fleming
Michele Matassa Flores
Jesse and Catherine Franklin
Kyle Freeman
Lori Frey Butler
Faith Gant
Susan and Robert Gellatly
Kathy Goater
John Goldmark
Bryan Graf and Rachel Rudnick
Juliann Gresham
Yvonne and Daniel Hall
David Hamilton
Annette and Michael Hargett
Bruce and Joanne Harrell
Stacy Hecht
Lucy Helm
Piper Henry
Dennis and Karyn Higgins
Eric and Claire Hogan
Lisa and William Holderman
Jim and Simmi Hydzik
Laura Inveen and Bill Shaw
Karli K. Jorgensen and Thomas Everts
Daniel and Marilyn Keithly
Margaret Kineke and Dennis West
Cory Klippsten
Tara Lee
Andrew and Donna Lee
Mark and Laura Lester
Ellen Look
Dana and Roger Lorenze
Howard and Cathy Lowen
Joseph Mallahan
Adam Marquis
Trevor Marsh
Andrew Mason
Deanna and William McCoy
Clare and Robert Moe
Charles and Kari Moore
Anna and Matthew Moore
Carl Morris and Sandrine Ducos
Jonathan Morrison and Lucy Davies
Daniel Satterberg and Linda Norman
Sean R. O’Brien
Nanoh Park and Brian Kim
Daniel Peck
Lawton and Stephen Penn
James and Lanette Peterson
Greg and Sherre Piantanida
Bonnie Main and Richard Pichler
Bill and Teresa Predmore
Naomi Price-Lazarus
Thomas Rasmussen and Clayton Lewis
Paula and Stephen Reynolds
John Rheinberger
Alexa Rudin
Paul and Carrie Sanford
Ryan and Stephanie Schafer
Alisha Schilter
Jeffrey and Catherine Schwartz
Karen and Dale Sharp
Susan Shaver
Marilyn Sherron
Joseph and Barbara Shickich
Kathryn Shields
Sylvia Shiroyama
Mark Sidran and Anais Winant
Donna Smith and Geoffrey Snyder
Elizabeth Snapinn
Johann Jonathan Song
Paul Spears
Pat and Mardi St Laurent
Linda Stauffer
Mary Ellen Stone and Gary Mahn
David Sunderland
David Tarshes and Deborah Kerdeman
Jeanna Taylor
Alexandra and William Thompson
Judy Tobin
Leslie and Ian Tubbs
Diane Ulacia
Michelle Vitale
Susan Warwick
Robert Weede
Stacy Shaw Welch
Kathi White and Marcie Headen
Mary Williamson and Kurt Kiefer
Alex Winney
Fritz Wollett
Lu Yang
Mark “Danger” Adkins
Nancy and Kemon Backus
Jean-Loup Baer and Diane Roseman-Baer
Mark and Heather Barbieri
Lynn Behar
Mark and Judith Benjamin
Fiona Blank
Lynda and Robert Braunstein
Kristy and Charles Butt
Christy Caldwell
Sarah Chambers
Louise Chernin
Grace Chien and Rodney Eng
Mark Cook
Juana Cundari
Bonnie DeCaro-Monahan
William DeJarlais
Michael Doyle
Marvin Eckfeldt
Edward and Cimby Edelstein
Mary Edington
Judy Ellis and Carl Ulmschneider
Holly Emmons
Jacqueline Esteban
Alison and Farrokh Farrokhi
Susan Fennedy
David Fitzgerald
Tracey Flum
Emily Forster
Heath Foster
Barbara Frank
Nicole Gainey
Janet Garrow
Kassidy Gerber
Hana Gold
Elias Gonzalez
Roberta Goodnow and Daniel Lipkie
Ann Gosch
Thomas and Jeannene Gould
William and Carol Greer
Emily Halverson
Kinne Hawes
Erin Hoff
Nicolette Hortsch
Michele Hughes
Sharon and Steve Huling
Steve Huson
Matt Huston and Sherry Smith
Rituja Indapure
Dawn Jeffries
Rebecca Johnson
Cloie Johnson and Tony Choppa
Chris and Laurie Johnson
Joseph Jordan
Lynda Kamrath
Diane Kappa and Steve Greimann
Laura Kelley
Linda and Rand Ebberson
Leon and Janice Kranz
Eric Larson
Anne Levinson
Carla Lewis
Eric Johnson and Jennifer Lill
Laura and Robert Lurry
Debra Madsen
Betty Anne and Allen McCall
Elizabeth McCaw
Brooks McMahon
Jonathan and Lisa McQuade
Danu McQuade
Megan Melo
Kristian Miller
Arlene Mitchell
Janet and Douglas Moczulewski
Jill Morones
Mirna Mujacic
Heidi Munson
Erika Nesholm
Charles Norton
Dennis O’Leary
Mitchell Olejko and Jill Wolcott
Alanna Peterson
Kemp Peterson
Nancy Peterson
Colin and Sarah Philp
Gloria Martin Pumphrey
Sarah Quinine
Tina Ragen
Caroline Rawlings
Laurel and Kevin Redden
Meenakshi Rishi
Miguel Rivera
Stacey Robinson
Ed Rogan
William Romberger
Patrick Roux
Isaac Ruiz
Elizebeth Rutherford
Gabe Schoonover
Andrea and Kevin Scott
Bill Shack and Hathaway Burden
Donna and Riley Shirey
Andre Sidler
Rhonda Slater
Skip Slavin
Bilyana Slavova
Devin Smith and Robin Moore
Dwight Smith
Rachel Sottile
Ramanujan Srinivasan
Jack Warren Stephenson Jr
Nan Stoops
Mari Stosich-Wall
Winnie Stratton
Jolynn Suko
Kate Sullivan and Robert Denis
Doug Takeuchi Kimura
Karen and Michael Thorp
Christa and John Tinker
Kari Tupper
Kathy Ungerman
Samantha Volum
Brandon Vosika
Judy and James Wagonfeld
Deborah Wallace and William Adams
Ellen Wallach and Tom Darden
Susan Weiss
David Werblow
Carol Werner
Peter Wickstrand
Christopher Wilhelm
Dennis Yule and Lynda Yule
Irene Zhang
Spring Zoog and Richard Marks
Up to $499
Theodore and Wynona Abber
Cabrelle Abel
Kelly Abner
Rachel Acosta
Patricia Adams and James Whitson
Alexa Albert
Donald and Sonna Alexander
Ruperta Alexis
Julia Algire
Claudia Allard
Megan and Wayne Allen
Alessandra Allen
Margaret Allison
Sarah and Robert Alsdorf
Laura Altschul and Nancy Alpers
Kevin P. America
Kellie Anderson
Ed Anderson
Jesse Anderson
Ingrid Anderson
Shannon Antunes
Karen Apple
Therese Camille Aquino
Susan and Edward Archibald
Sarah Armstrong
Amy Asbury and Kevin Rogers
Ryan Asuncion
Mary Austin
Sara Autio
Vincent Badagnani
Ryan Baerwolf and Shannon Parmley
Dave and Holly Baker
Kristen Baker
Dona Baker
Lisa Ball
Arioc Banda
Barbara Banon
Susan Barber
Bryan Barbre
Matt Barmore and Nancy Hanson
John Barnes
Colleen Barrett
Michelle Barry
Alexandra Bartlett
Sue Bartman
Kristen Barton
Rod Bartunek
Mary and Charles Bateman
Rawnee Bawldie
Dan Baxter
Christopher Bayley
Aly Bean
Diana Beaulaurier
Michele Bedard-Gilligan
Shelby Beier
Jennifer Bell
Kerry Billingham
Heidi Berg
Candice Berg
Lucy Berliner
Carolyn and Daniel Bernhard
Sam Bernstein
Katharine Besch
Peter Bevan
Richard Billingham
Linda Billingham
Sharan Bir
Angela Birney
Robbi Bishop
Jessica Bisset
Joanne Blackburn
Kristan Blackhart
Christopher Blais
Jessica Blayney
Cal Blethen
William Blum and Kay Smith-Blum
Antoinette Bonsignore
Carly Boon
Shannon Braddock
Margaret Bradly
Amy Brandt
Ashley Brickey
Dannetta Brim
Hans Brinkhoff
Fabienne and Herbert Brooks
Kimberley Brown
Grace Brown
Doug Brown
Patricia Bruckbauer
Anne Bryant
Paul Bucknor
Roman Buczak
Nanette Bultemeier
Mica Burks
Maxwell Burner
Jessica Burns
Aubony Burns
Laurene Burton
Suzanne Bute Bordwell
John and Renee Butts
Traci Buxton
Amy Cadwell
Timothy Campbell
Kelly Campbell
Henry Campbell
Gregory Canova and Barbara Linde
Kathy and Jim Captain
Jose Cardona Midence
Laura Carlock
Emily Carrasco
Jen Carter
Manuel Castanos
Linda Causey Hoof
Jamie Chakrabarty
Jay Chang
Katerie and Kevin Chapman
Cloie Chapman
John Charles
Robert Chateauneuf
Johnathan Chavez
Harry Cheema
Denise Chen
Michelle Chen
Angela Chen
Iris Childress
Wendy Chisholm
Lia Cho
Chris Clack
Sally Clark
Wyatt Clark
Dan Clark
Scott Cline and Carolyn Cohen
Alyssa Colby
Rocio Collado
Marcus Collier
Kathryn Collins
Janet Sue Collins
Chris Colln
Gil Colunga
John Comerford
Ruth Conn
Jane Cooke
Danielle Coomans / Fifth Color
Adam Cooper
Rikki Cooper
Karen Cope
Maria Corrales Porras
Claudia Cortes
Holly Coryell
Scott Coughlan
Christena Coutsoubos and Sean Bowles
Jessica Cowles
Judy and Gene Craig
Theresa Craw
Molly Crocker
Francisco Cruz Morales
Nicholas Cummins
Daniel Cumner
Krystle Curley
Yvonne Curtis
Dustin Dacuan
Stacy Daniels Beckman
Jenny Daniels Freese
Tyler Dao
Analise David
Lysa Davis
Neil Davis
Philip and Sharon Dawson
Jasmine De Leon
Kristiana de Leon
Allison De Tal
Ronald DeChene
Rod Dembowski
Celeste Derheimer
Caroline DeRuiter
Kim Destro
Gregory Deviny
Jessica Dial
Adrian Diaz
Katherine Dienst
Yikhwan Dillard
Lori Dilio
Julie Dingley
Kimberly Dixon
Kristine Dizon
Dick Dobyns and Jean Gorecki
Brook Dodd
Suzanne Dolberg
Kaylee Donahue
Jessie Doody
Lois Doreen
Danielle Dorn
Jason Dougherty
Regina Dove
Daniel Drais
Rebecca Drury
Emily Dworkin
Beth Dwyer
Keith Eaton
Karl Eckhardt
Joshua Edgerton
Laura Edidin
Diane Edmonds
Mary and Bryce Edwards
Bobbie Egan
Nicole Eisenberg
Christiane Elsbree
Samia Eltom
John Emau
Paula Emerick
Fatima Ernst
Amirsina Eskandarifar
Erin Esteban Mejia
Walt Fangman and Janice Flynn
Karen Fantozzi
Ami and Evan Fein
Paola Fernandez
Deborah and Richard Ferse
Richard Fike
David and Beth Fine
Sarah Finney
Bradley and Kathryn Fisher
Jacob Fiume
Kaitlyn Fladeboe
Melinda Becker-Flotlin and Ric Flotlin
Michele Flotlin
Tim Flotlin
Cathleen Flotlin
Carol Flotlin
Lisa Flotlin
Kyle Flotlin
Bradley Flotlin
Aline Flower
Bruce Follansbee
Karalea Follmer
Alice Fong
Patricia Foote
Kristina Fordice
Khalilah Fortune
Kelsey Fowler
Marta Fowler
Suzy Fox
Donna and David Foxley
Danielle Franco-Malone
Jeffrey Frank
Patricia Franklin
Lesli Franklin
Melinda Friedman
Niki Froines
Colin Froines
Emily Frost
Doug Frye
T.R. Frye
Tracey Fugami
Micah Fujiwara
Judy Gaffney
Linda and Gerald Gallagher
Maria Gallitelli
Audrianna Garcia
Samuel Gardner
Kelly Garwood
Diane Gates
Benjamin Gauen
Gabrielle Gauthier
Hannah Gavin
Megan Geissler
Kristina Georgieva
Ingrid and Anthony Gerbino
Tracy Gibbs
Tapanga Gilkey
Ninder Gill
Krystina Gillen
Amy Gillespie
Christopher Glein
Bonnie Glenn
Diane Glenn
Brooke Goddard
Carol and Tal Godding
Ann Godejohn
Merkys Gomez and Michael Bundesmann
Jorge Gomez Espinosa and Maria Gomez
Sandeep and Veena Gonugunta
George Gonzalez
Silvia Gonzalez
Emily Goodwin
Carolyn Gray
Donald and Ginny Gray
Jess Green
Alice and Willie Gregory
Kathryn Greve
Jeffrey Grice
Matthew Gross
Marceline Grossman
Kamuron Gurol
Greycen Gyigyiinwaxl
Jennifer Hagander-Luanava
Kristina Hagg
Anika Hahn
Marilyn Hair
Ruth Ann Halford
Michael Hall
Helen Halpert
Jill Hamada
Sydney Hammerquist
Kaitlyn Hannah
Anna Hanni
Dannielle Haraldson
Laura Harmon
Richard Harrington
Gail Harris
Meg Harrison
Trip and Kerri Hart
Mary Beth Hasselquist
Eric Haughee
Arne Hedeen
Mike Heinisch and Mary Gail Moyer Heinisch
Angie Hellriegel
Robert Henderson
Dana Henderson
David Henrich
Chapin Henry IV
Lisa Herbold
Carol Hering-Phillips and Bruce Phillips
Joyce Herman
Shelley Hernandez
Annie Hetzel
Hwashing Heyworth
Haley Higgins
JoAnn and Denny Higgins
Valerie and Justin Hill
David Hill
Lucas Hodges
Rebecca Hoffmaster
Lorna and Paul Holland
Chanel Holman
Dee Holman
Seth Holub
Cindy Hong
Matt Hood
Dick Hopp
Jacquelyn Shelton Howard
Martta Howard
Anthony Howard
Jeannie and Daniel Hu
Julie Huffman
Rachel Hughes
Marysol Huizar
Jane Hummer
Jimmy Hung
Beth Huppin and David Bennett
Shanna Hyland
Paul and Elizabeth Inghram
Trudi and Jay Inslee
Annie Iriye
Katrina Iserman
Carrie Jackson
Zachary Jackson
Connor Janhunen
Kristen Jarvis
David and Camille Jassny
Neeloofar Jenks
Barbara Jensen
Katrina Johnson
Mary and Gary Johnson
Courtney Johnston
Laura Jones
John Jones and Noelle Daly-Jones
Marshall Jones
Scott and Marianne Jones
Meliha Jusupovic
Alison K Basye
Ruth Kagi
Lynne Kalina
Saralee Kane
Cameron Kannady
Vladimir Karakusevic
Laurie Kavanagh
Robin Keller
Meg Kelly
Thomas and Mary Kelly
Kay Kessel-Hanna
Patricia Kieval
Sarah Kirschner
Mariko Kita
Scott Klettke
Jerrica Klout
Alan Klug
Dan Knoepfler
Hannah Knudsen
Kiersten Knutson
Christopher Koehler
Jeanne Kohl-Welles
Ksenia Kolcio
Ruth Korotzer
Atin Kothari
Alicia Kozma
Hannah Krause
Ruth Krauss
Margot Kravette
John and Cheri Krieg
Sharon Krogstad
Carole Krohn
Garrett Krueger and Mieko Hart
Kate Krug
Vienna Krumwiede
Ann Kubalanza Vavrousek
Kevin Kurth
Anjali Kusler
Sandy Kyrish
Brad Laesch
Jason LaFavor
Aleksandra Lakic
Jean Lan Lin
Gina Landino
Ray Lane
Barry Langer
Leonel Laroche
Margaret Larson
Mary Laskowski and Jake Koenigsberg
Patrick and Lindsay Lavin
Deborah and Craig Lawson
Alyssa Layne
Michelle Le
Barbara Leaf
Samantha Leck
Laura LeDoux
Carla Lee
Celia Lee
Deborah Lee
Sandra Lee
Joon-Ho Lee
Hyun Lee
Che Lee
Charlotte Lee
Elizabeth Lehinger
Alexei Levenkov
Sara Levin
Jillene Lewis
Yi Li
Alex Liatsis
John Libbey
Theresa Lindow
Lauri Lindquist
David Lischner
Jenny Liteky
Michele and Michael Livingston
John Lo
Adriana Lopez-Esteban
Reid Lovercamp
Lisa Low
Mason Lowe
Jennifer Lowe
Julie Lucht
Deidre and Douglas Luft
Larraine Lynch and Justin Slane
Sierra M
Scott MacDonald
Anne Mace-Deines and Christopher Deines
Barbara Mack
Alasdair Mackintosh
Shana MacLeod
Katie MacQuivey
Jason Madlung
Cindy Madrid
David and Susan Maehren
Anne Maercklein
Pranitha Maganty
William Maier
Andrea Maisonneuve
Jordan Malloch
Amy Maloney
Leesa Manion
Ted Mansfield
Judy Mansour
Joseph and Stacy Marchesano
Angela Marie
Allison Marie
Elizabeth Marks
Dana Marmion and Kent Breidenstein
David Martin
Mathew Martineau
Kathleen Martineau
Jared Martineau
Brittnee Martinez
Sheila and William Marty
Bridgette and Brice Maryman
Carol Masnik
Stacie Masterson
Hope Mathews
Cecilia Matta
Laura and Damon May
David Mayer
Allyson Mayo
Jason McClain
Susan McConnaha
Margaret McCurdy
Joe McDermott
Dave McGovern
Rachel McHugh
Colleen McIngalls
Michael McKay
Rob McKenna
Virginia McKenzie
Elizabeth McLafferty
Laura McLeod
Jacqueline McPherson
J Sean Mcquillen
Cindy McRoberts and Ed Walker
Amy McRory
Kelli McSherry
Shemal Medawattage
Rebecca Meissner
Yvette Melendez
Dan Menser
Kathleen Menzies
Scott Menzies
Elizabeth Menzies
Laura Merchant
Sarah Merickel
Donna Merkeley
William Messmer
Tracy Middlebrook
Mckenzie Miller
Howard Mills
Michael and Jeanette Milne
Paul Ming
Anika Mishra
Mary Mittell
Christina Miyamasu
Michael Mohandeson
Jenna Mohr
Samuel Wineburg and Susan Monas
Prashali Moodabettu Lakshminarayana
Sharon Moon
Mathew Mooty
Giulia Morseletto
LeAnne Moss
Caitlin Moulding
Linnea Mulder
Leslie Mullins
Carol Murray
Andrew Myerberg
Margo Myers Kruse
Catherine Nagle McKenzie
Anna Joyce and Richard Nelson
Matty Nelson
Ann Nemitz
Will Nesper
Jessica Nevers
Sharan Newman
Ashley Nguyen
James Nickerson
Rob Nielsen
Peter Nilsson
Judy and Steve Niver
Allison Niver
Michael Nixon
Naima Nowrin
Erika and Eric Nusser
Michael O’Connell
Kennedy Oldright
Paige Olivares
Laura Olson-Townsend
Akira Ormes-Strong
Kara Ortbal
Janna Ortiz
Travis Osborne
Lyll O’Shaughnessy and Thomas Demlow
Jessica Ost
Alina Othberg
Erin Overbey
Rafael Padilla
Julie Pan
Shivani Pandey
Charles Pardee
Nancy Parrish
Terri Parsons
Murthy Parthasarathi
Emma PeConga
Sarah Pelandini
Thia Penta
Marie Pereda
Fachon Perry
Elisha Person
Kristine Petereit
Nikolas Peterson
Anna Pettee
Jennifer Phillips
Jean Pishaw
Abigail Pishaw
Jeff Pixler
Ann Plana
Lisa Portin
Juan Posada
Dayne Post
Debra Powell
Keri Pravitz
N’dia Prettyman
Jeremy Price
Tara Primis
Christina Proctor
Martin Proudfoot
Karan Pujji
Kathleen Putnam
LaWana Quayle
Emily Quint
Brittnee Rakosky
Dana Ralph
Suresh Kumar Ramalingam
Anela Ramic
Lily Ramseyer
Shawn Bomers and Renee Rassilyer-Bomers
Gail Ratley
Don Raz
Jo-Hanna Read
Michele Rebert
Merle Redd-Jones
Jane and Jay Reich
Kaela Reilly
Keyara Renee
Andrew Rice
Lori Rinn
Jennifer Ritchie
Caitlin Robbins
Norene Roberts
Suzanne Roberts
Kelly Robinson Bernado
Susan and Robert Rochat
Teresa Rodelo
Tori Rodgers
Susan Roe and James Shaker
Lara Rogers
Tina Rogers
Anna Rogers
Karen and Ken Roll
Carol Roll
Summer Rosa-Mullen
Lesleigh Rosen
Peter Rosencrans
Lonnie Rosenwald
Jennifer Rostenbach
Harriet Round
Melanie Rudquist
Stephen and Elizabeth Rummage
Jake Ryan
Randi Sachs
Meg Safranek
Osman Salahuddin
Lauren and Philip Sancken
Kevin Sanders
Benjamin Santos and Happy Salinas-Santos
Jennifer Sayrs
Juliet Scarpa
Judith and Ray Schafer
Ken Schafer
Elizabeth Schiltz
Susan Schmatzhagen
Erica and Philip Schmucker
Patrick Schneider
Helena Schoetzow
Lynn Schorn
Steve and Pam Schwartz
Shaina Schwartzel
Tina Schweizer
Donald Scott
Brandyon Scott
Jennifer Seffernick
Meredith and Craig Shank
Evan Shapiro
Ana Shaughnessy
Susie Shayegani
Michael and Paulene Sheldon
Amy Shepherd
Patricia Sherron
Zola Sherwood
Rosana Shetty
Linda Shigaki and Mark Baker
Dongbin Shin
Cassie Short
Kayla Shovlowsky
Denis Sieminski
Angela Simler
Teresa Simpson
Rosslyn Sinclair-Chin
Sachin Singh
Jasmine Singh
Douglas Sirotta
Lowell Skoog
Gary Slotnik
Thomas Smith
Laura Smith
Erin Smith
Jo-Ellen Smith
Lauren Smith
Graham Smith-Gordon
Ellen Smith Nebre
Gienna Smith-Njie
Derek Snead
Julleen Snyder
Roslyn Solomon
Jeff Sorrentino
Simone Soublet
Carrie Sovde
Maureen Spain
Erika Spongberg
Loudon Stanford
Matt Stansfield
Yvonne Stark
Tracy Starkovich
Chris Starr
Erica Stephens
Jill Stephens
Lynn Stromski
John Sullivan
Jeffrey and Patsy Sullivan
Ann and John Summers
Gary Swearingen
Kim Swift
Beth Sylves
Troy Tady
Tyler Tanigawa
Gael Tarleton
Carol Taylor
Kamila Tendera-Moody
Luis Teran
Deborah Terry
Monica Terry
Shana Terry
Emeri Terry
Lily Tesfaye
Alexander Thielman
Nikki Thomas
Tracy Thomas Robinson
Grace Thompson and Chris Faulkner
James Thompson
Mark Thompson
Praseeth Thuvassery
Jennifer Tininenko and Matthew Rarity
Lilia Torres
Greg Totonelly
Lisa Trifiletti
Noah Triplett
Stephanie Trollen
Yolanda Trout-Manuel
Alexandra Truelove
Gail Tsuboi
Melissa Tumas
Lenora Turner
Nancy Turner
Shelby Tuttle
Alexandra Tyler
Daniel Ulatowski
Dana Ulrich
Tony Unan
Denine Uphoff
David Upthegrove
Jake Utley
Janis and Rodney Utley
Kim-Khánh Văn
Riha Vaidya
Jeff and Margie Van Duzer
Robert Van Horn
Victoria VanNocken
Midy Vasquez
Michelle Vaughan
Lyudmila Veleva
Kellie Verginia
Ruth and Jerry Verhoff
Antonella Vesponi-Bartel
Ruby Virk
Andrea Vitalich
Spomenka Vitman
Angelique Vittone
Angela Vogel
Anthony von Dessauer
George and Angeline von Fuchs
Tess Wakasugi-Don
Marisa Walker
Jennifer Wallace
Kristin Wallio
Carolyn Wallis
Natalie Walton-Anderson and Rich Anderson
Laurie Wandler
Limin Wang
Sharon Wang
Ella Ward
Keren Wasserman
Storey Waters
Shawn and Carrie Wattles
Kristen Weber and Grant Klepzig
Brittany Weede
Sheehan Sullivan Weiss and Peter Sullivan-Finch
Kelli Wells
Myron and JoElla Weybright
Chloe Wheadon
Carol Whitfield
Marshall Wilcox
Mary Williams
Lisa Williams Mackintosh
Joyce Williamson
Ken Willner
Nina Willow
John and Rebecca Wilson
Morgan Winkler
Shari Winstead
Steven Wiseman
Cathy Wiswell
Vickie Wocasek
Ashley Wolf
Mary Wolfe-Foxworthy
Joseph Woo
Christine Wood
Jessica Wood
Judith Woods
Kevin Wright and Patti Goodall
Courtney Wright
Teresa Wyman
Brian and Cheryl Wynne
DeAnn Yamamoto
Irene Yamamoto
Tauni Yarnell
Aaron Yoon
Janice Zahn
Betsy and Charles Zeifman
Carri-Ann Zizman
Theresa ZounTheodore and Wynona Abber
Cabrelle Abel
Kelly Abner
Rachel Acosta
Patricia Adams and James Whitson
Alexa Albert
Donald and Sonna Alexander
Ruperta Alexis
Julia Algire
Claudia Allard
Megan and Wayne Allen
Alessandra Allen
Margaret Allison
Sarah and Robert Alsdorf
Laura Altschul and Nancy Alpers
Kevin P. America
Kellie Anderson
Ed Anderson
Jesse Anderson
Ingrid Anderson
Shannon Antunes
Karen Apple
Therese Camille Aquino
Susan and Edward Archibald
Sarah Armstrong
Amy Asbury and Kevin Rogers
Ryan Asuncion
Mary Austin
Sara Autio
Vincent Badagnani
Ryan Baerwolf and Shannon Parmley
Dave and Holly Baker
Kristen Baker
Dona Baker
Lisa Ball
Arioc Banda
Barbara Banon
Susan Barber
Bryan Barbre
Matt Barmore and Nancy Hanson
John Barnes
Colleen Barrett
Michelle Barry
Alexandra Bartlett
Sue Bartman
Kristen Barton
Rod Bartunek
Mary and Charles Bateman
Rawnee Bawldie
Dan Baxter
Christopher Bayley
Aly Bean
Diana Beaulaurier
Michele Bedard-Gilligan
Shelby Beier
Jennifer Bell
Kerry Billingham
Heidi Berg
Candice Berg
Lucy Berliner
Carolyn and Daniel Bernhard
Sam Bernstein
Katharine Besch
Peter Bevan
Richard Billingham
Linda Billingham
Sharan Bir
Angela Birney
Robbi Bishop
Jessica Bisset
Joanne Blackburn
Kristan Blackhart
Christopher Blais
Jessica Blayney
Cal Blethen
William Blum and Kay Smith-Blum
Antoinette Bonsignore
Carly Boon
Shannon Braddock
Margaret Bradly
Amy Brandt
Ashley Brickey
Dannetta Brim
Hans Brinkhoff
Fabienne and Herbert Brooks
Kimberley Brown
Grace Brown
Doug Brown
Patricia Bruckbauer
Anne Bryant
Paul Bucknor
Roman Buczak
Nanette Bultemeier
Mica Burks
Maxwell Burner
Jessica Burns
Aubony Burns
Laurene Burton
Suzanne Bute Bordwell
John and Renee Butts
Traci Buxton
Amy Cadwell
Timothy Campbell
Kelly Campbell
Henry Campbell
Gregory Canova and Barbara Linde
Kathy and Jim Captain
Jose Cardona Midence
Laura Carlock
Emily Carrasco
Jen Carter
Manuel Castanos
Linda Causey Hoof
Jamie Chakrabarty
Jay Chang
Katerie and Kevin Chapman
Cloie Chapman
John Charles
Robert Chateauneuf
Johnathan Chavez
Harry Cheema
Denise Chen
Michelle Chen
Angela Chen
Iris Childress
Wendy Chisholm
Lia Cho
Chris Clack
Sally Clark
Wyatt Clark
Dan Clark
Scott Cline and Carolyn Cohen
Alyssa Colby
Rocio Collado
Marcus Collier
Kathryn Collins
Janet Sue Collins
Chris Colln
Gil Colunga
John Comerford
Ruth Conn
Jane Cooke
Danielle Coomans / Fifth Color
Adam Cooper
Rikki Cooper
Karen Cope
Maria Corrales Porras
Claudia Cortes
Holly Coryell
Scott Coughlan
Christena Coutsoubos and Sean Bowles
Jessica Cowles
Judy and Gene Craig
Theresa Craw
Molly Crocker
Francisco Cruz Morales
Nicholas Cummins
Daniel Cumner
Krystle Curley
Yvonne Curtis
Dustin Dacuan
Stacy Daniels Beckman
Jenny Daniels Freese
Tyler Dao
Analise David
Lysa Davis
Neil Davis
Philip and Sharon Dawson
Jasmine De Leon
Kristiana de Leon
Allison De Tal
Ronald DeChene
Rod Dembowski
Celeste Derheimer
Caroline DeRuiter
Kim Destro
Gregory Deviny
Jessica Dial
Adrian Diaz
Katherine Dienst
Yikhwan Dillard
Lori Dilio
Julie Dingley
Kimberly Dixon
Kristine Dizon
Dick Dobyns and Jean Gorecki
Brook Dodd
Suzanne Dolberg
Kaylee Donahue
Jessie Doody
Lois Doreen
Danielle Dorn
Jason Dougherty
Regina Dove
Daniel Drais
Rebecca Drury
Emily Dworkin
Beth Dwyer
Keith Eaton
Karl Eckhardt
Joshua Edgerton
Laura Edidin
Diane Edmonds
Mary and Bryce Edwards
Bobbie Egan
Nicole Eisenberg
Christiane Elsbree
Samia Eltom
John Emau
Paula Emerick
Fatima Ernst
Amirsina Eskandarifar
Erin Esteban Mejia
Walt Fangman and Janice Flynn
Karen Fantozzi
Ami and Evan Fein
Paola Fernandez
Deborah and Richard Ferse
Richard Fike
David and Beth Fine
Sarah Finney
Bradley and Kathryn Fisher
Jacob Fiume
Kaitlyn Fladeboe
Melinda Becker-Flotlin and Ric Flotlin
Michele Flotlin
Tim Flotlin
Cathleen Flotlin
Carol Flotlin
Lisa Flotlin
Kyle Flotlin
Bradley Flotlin
Aline Flower
Bruce Follansbee
Karalea Follmer
Alice Fong
Patricia Foote
Kristina Fordice
Khalilah Fortune
Kelsey Fowler
Marta Fowler
Suzy Fox
Donna and David Foxley
Danielle Franco-Malone
Jeffrey Frank
Patricia Franklin
Lesli Franklin
Melinda Friedman
Niki Froines
Colin Froines
Emily Frost
Doug Frye
T.R. Frye
Tracey Fugami
Micah Fujiwara
Judy Gaffney
Linda and Gerald Gallagher
Maria Gallitelli
Audrianna Garcia
Samuel Gardner
Kelly Garwood
Diane Gates
Benjamin Gauen
Gabrielle Gauthier
Hannah Gavin
Megan Geissler
Kristina Georgieva
Ingrid and Anthony Gerbino
Tracy Gibbs
Tapanga Gilkey
Ninder Gill
Krystina Gillen
Amy Gillespie
Christopher Glein
Bonnie Glenn
Diane Glenn
Brooke Goddard
Carol and Tal Godding
Ann Godejohn
Merkys Gomez and Michael Bundesmann
Jorge Gomez Espinosa and Maria Gomez
Sandeep and Veena Gonugunta
George Gonzalez
Silvia Gonzalez
Emily Goodwin
Carolyn Gray
Donald and Ginny Gray
Jess Green
Alice and Willie Gregory
Kathryn Greve
Jeffrey Grice
Matthew Gross
Marceline Grossman
Kamuron Gurol
Greycen Gyigyiinwaxl
Jennifer Hagander-Luanava
Kristina Hagg
Anika Hahn
Marilyn Hair
Ruth Ann Halford
Michael Hall
Helen Halpert
Jill Hamada
Sydney Hammerquist
Kaitlyn Hannah
Anna Hanni
Dannielle Haraldson
Laura Harmon
Richard Harrington
Gail Harris
Meg Harrison
Trip and Kerri Hart
Mary Beth Hasselquist
Eric Haughee
Arne Hedeen
Mike Heinisch and Mary Gail Moyer Heinisch
Angie Hellriegel
Robert Henderson
Dana Henderson
David Henrich
Chapin Henry IV
Lisa Herbold
Carol Hering-Phillips and Bruce Phillips
Joyce Herman
Shelley Hernandez
Annie Hetzel
Hwashing Heyworth
Haley Higgins
JoAnn and Denny Higgins
Valerie and Justin Hill
David Hill
Lucas Hodges
Rebecca Hoffmaster
Lorna and Paul Holland
Chanel Holman
Dee Holman
Seth Holub
Cindy Hong
Matt Hood
Dick Hopp
Jacquelyn Shelton Howard
Martta Howard
Anthony Howard
Jeannie and Daniel Hu
Julie Huffman
Rachel Hughes
Marysol Huizar
Jane Hummer
Jimmy Hung
Beth Huppin and David Bennett
Shanna Hyland
Paul and Elizabeth Inghram
Trudi and Jay Inslee
Annie Iriye
Katrina Iserman
Carrie Jackson
Zachary Jackson
Connor Janhunen
Kristen Jarvis
David and Camille Jassny
Neeloofar Jenks
Barbara Jensen
Katrina Johnson
Mary and Gary Johnson
Courtney Johnston
Laura Jones
John Jones and Noelle Daly-Jones
Marshall Jones
Scott and Marianne Jones
Meliha Jusupovic
Alison K Basye
Ruth Kagi
Lynne Kalina
Saralee Kane
Cameron Kannady
Vladimir Karakusevic
Laurie Kavanagh
Robin Keller
Meg Kelly
Thomas and Mary Kelly
Kay Kessel-Hanna
Patricia Kieval
Sarah Kirschner
Mariko Kita
Scott Klettke
Jerrica Klout
Alan Klug
Dan Knoepfler
Hannah Knudsen
Kiersten Knutson
Christopher Koehler
Jeanne Kohl-Welles
Ksenia Kolcio
Ruth Korotzer
Atin Kothari
Alicia Kozma
Hannah Krause
Ruth Krauss
Margot Kravette
John and Cheri Krieg
Sharon Krogstad
Carole Krohn
Garrett Krueger and Mieko Hart
Kate Krug
Vienna Krumwiede
Ann Kubalanza Vavrousek
Kevin Kurth
Anjali Kusler
Sandy Kyrish
Brad Laesch
Jason LaFavor
Aleksandra Lakic
Jean Lan Lin
Gina Landino
Ray Lane
Barry Langer
Leonel Laroche
Margaret Larson
Mary Laskowski and Jake Koenigsberg
Patrick and Lindsay Lavin
Deborah and Craig Lawson
Alyssa Layne
Michelle Le
Barbara Leaf
Samantha Leck
Laura LeDoux
Carla Lee
Celia Lee
Deborah Lee
Sandra Lee
Joon-Ho Lee
Hyun Lee
Che Lee
Charlotte Lee
Elizabeth Lehinger
Alexei Levenkov
Sara Levin
Jillene Lewis
Yi Li
Alex Liatsis
John Libbey
Theresa Lindow
Lauri Lindquist
David Lischner
Jenny Liteky
Michele and Michael Livingston
John Lo
Adriana Lopez-Esteban
Reid Lovercamp
Lisa Low
Mason Lowe
Jennifer Lowe
Julie Lucht
Deidre and Douglas Luft
Larraine Lynch and Justin Slane
Sierra M
Scott MacDonald
Anne Mace-Deines and Christopher Deines
Barbara Mack
Alasdair Mackintosh
Shana MacLeod
Katie MacQuivey
Jason Madlung
Cindy Madrid
David and Susan Maehren
Anne Maercklein
Pranitha Maganty
William Maier
Andrea Maisonneuve
Jordan Malloch
Amy Maloney
Leesa Manion
Ted Mansfield
Judy Mansour
Joseph and Stacy Marchesano
Angela Marie
Allison Marie
Elizabeth Marks
Dana Marmion and Kent Breidenstein
David Martin
Mathew Martineau
Kathleen Martineau
Jared Martineau
Brittnee Martinez
Sheila and William Marty
Bridgette and Brice Maryman
Carol Masnik
Stacie Masterson
Hope Mathews
Cecilia Matta
Laura and Damon May
David Mayer
Allyson Mayo
Jason McClain
Susan McConnaha
Margaret McCurdy
Joe McDermott
Dave McGovern
Rachel McHugh
Colleen McIngalls
Michael McKay
Rob McKenna
Virginia McKenzie
Elizabeth McLafferty
Laura McLeod
Jacqueline McPherson
J Sean Mcquillen
Cindy McRoberts and Ed Walker
Amy McRory
Kelli McSherry
Shemal Medawattage
Rebecca Meissner
Yvette Melendez
Dan Menser
Kathleen Menzies
Scott Menzies
Elizabeth Menzies
Laura Merchant
Sarah Merickel
Donna Merkeley
William Messmer
Tracy Middlebrook
Mckenzie Miller
Howard Mills
Michael and Jeanette Milne
Paul Ming
Anika Mishra
Mary Mittell
Christina Miyamasu
Michael Mohandeson
Jenna Mohr
Samuel Wineburg and Susan Monas
Prashali Moodabettu Lakshminarayana
Sharon Moon
Mathew Mooty
Giulia Morseletto
LeAnne Moss
Caitlin Moulding
Linnea Mulder
Leslie Mullins
Carol Murray
Andrew Myerberg
Margo Myers Kruse
Catherine Nagle McKenzie
Anna Joyce and Richard Nelson
Matty Nelson
Ann Nemitz
Will Nesper
Jessica Nevers
Sharan Newman
Ashley Nguyen
James Nickerson
Rob Nielsen
Peter Nilsson
Judy and Steve Niver
Allison Niver
Michael Nixon
Naima Nowrin
Erika and Eric Nusser
Michael O’Connell
Kennedy Oldright
Paige Olivares
Laura Olson-Townsend
Akira Ormes-Strong
Kara Ortbal
Janna Ortiz
Travis Osborne
Lyll O’Shaughnessy and Thomas Demlow
Jessica Ost
Alina Othberg
Erin Overbey
Rafael Padilla
Julie Pan
Shivani Pandey
Charles Pardee
Nancy Parrish
Terri Parsons
Murthy Parthasarathi
Emma PeConga
Sarah Pelandini
Thia Penta
Marie Pereda
Fachon Perry
Elisha Person
Kristine Petereit
Nikolas Peterson
Anna Pettee
Jennifer Phillips
Jean Pishaw
Abigail Pishaw
Jeff Pixler
Ann Plana
Lisa Portin
Juan Posada
Dayne Post
Debra Powell
Keri Pravitz
N’dia Prettyman
Jeremy Price
Tara Primis
Christina Proctor
Martin Proudfoot
Karan Pujji
Kathleen Putnam
LaWana Quayle
Emily Quint
Brittnee Rakosky
Dana Ralph
Suresh Kumar Ramalingam
Anela Ramic
Lily Ramseyer
Shawn Bomers and Renee Rassilyer-Bomers
Gail Ratley
Don Raz
Jo-Hanna Read
Michele Rebert
Merle Redd-Jones
Jane and Jay Reich
Kaela Reilly
Keyara Renee
Andrew Rice
Lori Rinn
Jennifer Ritchie
Caitlin Robbins
Norene Roberts
Suzanne Roberts
Kelly Robinson Bernado
Susan and Robert Rochat
Teresa Rodelo
Tori Rodgers
Susan Roe and James Shaker
Lara Rogers
Tina Rogers
Anna Rogers
Karen and Ken Roll
Carol Roll
Summer Rosa-Mullen
Lesleigh Rosen
Peter Rosencrans
Lonnie Rosenwald
Jennifer Rostenbach
Harriet Round
Melanie Rudquist
Stephen and Elizabeth Rummage
Jake Ryan
Randi Sachs
Meg Safranek
Osman Salahuddin
Lauren and Philip Sancken
Kevin Sanders
Benjamin Santos and Happy Salinas-Santos
Jennifer Sayrs
Juliet Scarpa
Judith and Ray Schafer
Ken Schafer
Elizabeth Schiltz
Susan Schmatzhagen
Erica and Philip Schmucker
Patrick Schneider
Helena Schoetzow
Lynn Schorn
Steve and Pam Schwartz
Shaina Schwartzel
Tina Schweizer
Donald Scott
Brandyon Scott
Jennifer Seffernick
Meredith and Craig Shank
Evan Shapiro
Ana Shaughnessy
Susie Shayegani
Michael and Paulene Sheldon
Amy Shepherd
Patricia Sherron
Zola Sherwood
Rosana Shetty
Linda Shigaki and Mark Baker
Dongbin Shin
Cassie Short
Kayla Shovlowsky
Denis Sieminski
Angela Simler
Teresa Simpson
Rosslyn Sinclair-Chin
Sachin Singh
Jasmine Singh
Douglas Sirotta
Lowell Skoog
Gary Slotnik
Thomas Smith
Laura Smith
Erin Smith
Jo-Ellen Smith
Lauren Smith
Graham Smith-Gordon
Ellen Smith Nebre
Gienna Smith-Njie
Derek Snead
Julleen Snyder
Roslyn Solomon
Jeff Sorrentino
Simone Soublet
Carrie Sovde
Maureen Spain
Erika Spongberg
Loudon Stanford
Matt Stansfield
Yvonne Stark
Tracy Starkovich
Chris Starr
Erica Stephens
Jill Stephens
Lynn Stromski
John Sullivan
Jeffrey and Patsy Sullivan
Ann and John Summers
Gary Swearingen
Kim Swift
Beth Sylves
Troy Tady
Tyler Tanigawa
Gael Tarleton
Carol Taylor
Kamila Tendera-Moody
Luis Teran
Deborah Terry
Monica Terry
Shana Terry
Emeri Terry
Lily Tesfaye
Alexander Thielman
Nikki Thomas
Tracy Thomas Robinson
Grace Thompson and Chris Faulkner
James Thompson
Mark Thompson
Praseeth Thuvassery
Jennifer Tininenko and Matthew Rarity
Lilia Torres
Greg Totonelly
Lisa Trifiletti
Noah Triplett
Stephanie Trollen
Yolanda Trout-Manuel
Alexandra Truelove
Gail Tsuboi
Melissa Tumas
Lenora Turner
Nancy Turner
Shelby Tuttle
Alexandra Tyler
Daniel Ulatowski
Dana Ulrich
Tony Unan
Denine Uphoff
David Upthegrove
Jake Utley
Janis and Rodney Utley
Kim-Khánh Văn
Riha Vaidya
Jeff and Margie Van Duzer
Robert Van Horn
Victoria VanNocken
Midy Vasquez
Michelle Vaughan
Lyudmila Veleva
Kellie Verginia
Ruth and Jerry Verhoff
Antonella Vesponi-Bartel
Ruby Virk
Andrea Vitalich
Spomenka Vitman
Angelique Vittone
Angela Vogel
Anthony von Dessauer
George and Angeline von Fuchs
Tess Wakasugi-Don
Marisa Walker
Jennifer Wallace
Kristin Wallio
Carolyn Wallis
Natalie Walton-Anderson and Rich Anderson
Laurie Wandler
Limin Wang
Sharon Wang
Ella Ward
Keren Wasserman
Storey Waters
Shawn and Carrie Wattles
Kristen Weber and Grant Klepzig
Brittany Weede
Sheehan Sullivan Weiss and Peter Sullivan-Finch
Kelli Wells
Myron and JoElla Weybright
Chloe Wheadon
Carol Whitfield
Marshall Wilcox
Mary Williams
Lisa Williams Mackintosh
Joyce Williamson
Ken Willner
Nina Willow
John and Rebecca Wilson
Morgan Winkler
Shari Winstead
Steven Wiseman
Cathy Wiswell
Vickie Wocasek
Ashley Wolf
Mary Wolfe-Foxworthy
Joseph Woo
Christine Wood
Jessica Wood
Judith Woods
Kevin Wright and Patti Goodall
Courtney Wright
Teresa Wyman
Brian and Cheryl Wynne
DeAnn Yamamoto
Irene Yamamoto
Tauni Yarnell
Aaron Yoon
Janice Zahn
Betsy and Charles Zeifman
Carri-Ann Zizman
Theresa Zoun
“I support KCSARC because they not only support individual survivors on the path to healing and justice, but they also partner with the larger systems and structures that impact and shape survivors’ experiences to make it better for everyone. I’m also very lucky to work with KCSARC’s amazing prevention team and have seen first-hand how they work in our local educational schools and colleges to educate young people on how they can prevent violence from occurring in the first place.”
-Anna Brosius
Elizabeth Akers
Barbara Banon
Jennifer Bell
Antoinette Bonsignore
Isabelle Bradbury
Debra Brockman
Anna Brosius
Molly Crocker
Daniel Drais
Anwar Faiz
Lindsey Farmer
Deisi Fernandez
Marta Fowler
Emily Goodwin
Timothy Ha
Janice Hanlon
Anja Hanson
Dannielle Haraldson
Annette Hargett
Trip Hart
Piper Henry
Lauren Hernandez
Rebecca Hoag
Heather Jahns
Barbara Jensen
Sarah Kirschner
Scott MacDonald
Laura Martin
Stacie Masterson
Cindy McRoberts
Liz Merker
Katy Mitchell
Mike Mohandeson
Judy Niver
Erin Nott
Erika Nusser
Lawton Penn
Barbara Price
Stephanie Quinn
Amy Schlight
Lynn Schorn
Sylvia Shiroyama
Cassie Short
Hope Sison
Rhonda Slater
Pat St Laurent
Linda Stauffer Sikora
Ange Vittone
Dee Wilson
Presenting Sponsor 2023
$25,000 - $49,999
Aven Foundation
Boeing Employees Community Fund
The Chisholm Foundation
Costco Wholesale
Lenore Hanauer Foundation
Lightlamper Family Foundation
Microsoft Corporation
One Roof Foundation
Medina Foundation
$10,000 - $24,999
Alaska Airlines
Archdiocese of Seattle
The Sheri and Les Biller Family Foundation
Bernier McCaw Foundation
Boeing Employees Community Fund
James B. Boskey Memorial Foundation
Brettler Family Foundation
Expedia, Inc.
First Financial Northwest Foundation
H.D. Fowler Company
Horizons Foundation
Byron and Alice Lockwood Foundation
The Kathryn B. McQuade Foundation
Nesholm Family Foundation
NW Children’s Foundation
Schroeter Goldmark & Bender
Uber Technologies, Inc.
William E. Wockner Foundation
Zevenbergen Capital Investments LLC
“For more than 30 years, Davis Wright Tremaine has been proud to partner with KCSARC by providing leadership through attorney board service, supplying pro bono legal services, and serving as donors to the annual BE LOUD Breakfast. KCSARC’s deep experience, caring support, and comprehensive services to sexual assault survivors is critically important to the safety and well-being of our community.” – The staff of Davis Wright Tremaine
$5,000 - $9,999
Norman Archibald Charitable Foundation
Biella Foundation
BNSF Railway Foundation
Davis Wright Tremaine LLP
Delivery Express Logistics, Inc.
HKM Employment Attorneys LLP
JPMorgan Chase
King County Metro
MultiCare Health System
Parker, Smith & Feek, Inc.
Rushing Co
Schlemlein Fick & Franklin PLLC
Seyfarth Shaw LLP
Snoqualmie Tribe
Umpqua Bank
Vanya Associates LLC
Vreeland Law PLLC
Dennis and Phyllis Washington Foundation
Washington Gastroenterology
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati Foundation
$2,500 - $4,999
Allegro Pediatrics
Charter Construction
Deloitte LLP
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Gesher Fund of the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle
Howard S. Wright, a Balfour Beatty company
Joule Restaurant
Kaiser Permanente
Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP
Puget Sound Energy Foundation
Rotary Club of Renton
Helen Martha Schiff Foundation
Seattle Mariners
TEGNA Foundation
UW Medicine
VMware, Inc
Washington State Association for Justice
Windermere Foundation
Up to $2,499
Bensler, LLC DBA SCS
Casey Family Programs
Catania Family Foundation
Davis Polk
GLY Construction
Google Inc.
Hearst Health
Intel Foundation
Kristin-Kendrick Foundation
Law Offices of Alvin B. Sherron
McEachern Foundation
McKinstry Co. Charitable Foundation
Gerald M & Roberta N Quiat Family Foundation
RealNetworks Foundation
Revel Restaurant
Terrell Marshall Law Group PLLC
The Albertsons Companies Foundation
Whirled Estates LLC
Williams Kastner
“We were proud to award KCSARC a grant this past year because they so clearly demonstrate high impact and effectiveness in the fight against child sexual abuse.” -Jenny Manza, Communications Director, NW Children’s Foundation
KCSARC’s Board 2023-24
Marilyn Sherron – President
Angela Bultemeier – Vice President (2023-24)
Dennis Higgins – Vice President (2024-25)
Alexa Rudin – Secretary (2023-24)
Lisa Schaures – Secretary (2024-25)
Lu Yang – Treasurer
Laurie Anderson
Justice Bobbe Bridge (ret)
Marnix Brinkhoff
Tiffiny Evans
Jesse Franklin
Lisa Holderman
Tara Lee
Marta Lowe
Jill Morones (2024)
Carl Morris
*Lawton Penn (2023)
John Rheinberger
*Meenakshi Rishi (2023)
Becky Roe (2024)
*Ryan Schafer (2023)
Diana Schuetz
Grace Thompson
*Dana Ulrich (2024)
*Lauren Venezia (2024)
Susan Warwick
Brittany Weede
*Members who stepped down in 2023-24
KCSARC Honorary Advisory Cabinet
Bill Adamucci
Christine Charbonneau
Rosanne Esposito-Ross
Ellen Ferguson
Rituja Indapure
Trudi Inslee
Joe Mallahan
Lynn Manley
Beth McCaw
Paula Pyatt
Jeffrey Pyatt
Maggie Walker