
woman with red hair and yellow shirt and man with black hair and beard embrace child with green shirt and black hair representing a family unity
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Specialized counseling helps children with concerning sexualized behaviors


It’s common and developmentally normal for a young child to be curious about their own body or that of others. But when does a child’s sexualized behavior shift from developmentally appropriate to potentially problematic — and how can KCSARC help?

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Equipping young people to help peers


Many of us grew up hearing that we should tell a trusted adult if we need support or have questions about behaviors that may be sexual assault. But our work with young survivors shows that, more often, they will turn to peers first.

The Link to Prevention Podcast

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Episode 9: Depictions of a Minor Law


The Link to Prevention Season 1, Episode 9: In this episode, the KCSARC Prevention team delves into the federal law: Depictions of a Minor Engaged in Sexually Explicit Conduct (Child Pornography). But this isn’t just legal jargon—it’s about safeguarding our youth.

Join us as we break down this law and empower our youth to navigate the digital world responsibly.

The Link to Prevention Podcast

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Episode 6: Talking to Youth


The Link to Prevention podcast Season 1, Episode 6: How do you talk to the youth in your life about topics like boundaries, consent, and online safety? In this episode, Hannah chats with two KCSARC staff members who each have experience and expertise in this area. They offer some advice and guidance for starting and continuing these important conversations with the youth in your life.

The Link to Prevention Podcast

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Episode 5 – Student Questions


The Link to Prevention podcast Season 1, Episode 5:  In this episode, the KCSARC team answers questions we often get from middle and high school students during classroom presentations. Jessica sits down with KCSARC staffers Alex, Jordan and Nate to tackle a few of the questions on students’ minds this school year.

The Link to Prevention Podcast

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Episode 4 — Supporting Friends


The Link to Prevention podcast Season 1, Episode 4: The KCSARC prevention team discuss why people disclose experiences of sexual abuse or assault, as well as why it can be so difficult for people to disclose. Jessica and Hannah break down how they talk with high school students about supporting a friend who discloses an experience of sexual violence.

The Link to Prevention Podcast
Introducing KCSARC’s New Podcast: The Link to Prevention


How to build safe spaces online


“If we don’t take the time to understand how devices and platforms work, we’re really doing a disservice to our kiddos.” – Jessica Cowles, KCSARC prevention services specialist

new growth potted plant with red heart
A family’s new normal: Stephanie’s story


“As a parent, walking alongside your children’s sexual abuse story and recovery is tough.”


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Boundaries 101


Season 1, Episode 2 When we practice setting and respecting personal boundaries, we build healthier relationships and healthier individuals. KCSARC’s Family Services Specialists and Preventionist discuss how parents and caregivers can empower their young ones to set and respect boundaries. 

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