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What is sexual assault? And how does KCSARC help?


Sexual assault is any unwanted or illegal sexual contact or behavior.

hand-drawn line illustration of a person with mouth open, with rainbow watercolor waves coming from mouth
Lynne’s Blog


Empowered Voices member Lynne’s journey is one of resilience and transformation. In this blog post, she shares her experiences of surviving sexual abuse and the pivotal role KCSARC played in her healing process.

Empowered Voices member wearing a orange and white striped v-neck t-shirt and blue jeans with beagle puppy on lap on a dark green plaid blanket on grass with pink potted begonias and forested green background
Lorna’s Blog


Empowered Voices member Lorna shares her story of growing up in Seattle, marked by both cherished memories and painful experiences of abuse. After years of remaining silent about the abuse, Lorna found new hope at KCSARC and the power to reclaim her life.

photo of a hand holding a small orange dahlia against blue sky
Sarah’s Blog


Empowered Voices member Sarah shares her experience of being sexually assaulted and the years of silence and verbal abuse that followed. Through therapy and support from KCSARC, she found the courage to advocate for herself and set healthy boundaries.

Empowered Voices member wearing black tank top and blue crop jeans on green grass and tall paperwhite tree trunks in background
Heaven’s Blog


Empowered Voices member Heaven shares her powerful story of resilience and growth through KCSARC’s parenting program as a single mother of four, two of whom survived childhood sexual abuse.

Man with beard and dark hair wearing light blue shirt and tan pants and woman with curly dark hair and glasses wearing a print patterned wine-colored dress.
Andy’s Blog


Empowered Voices member Andy shares his story about discussing consent, mental health, and self-care with his middle-school son. He reflects on his own experiences with therapy and encourages other male survivors to seek support.

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Equipping young people to help peers


Many of us grew up hearing that we should tell a trusted adult if we need support or have questions about behaviors that may be sexual assault. But our work with young survivors shows that, more often, they will turn to peers first.

Empowered Voices: Healing Through Advocacy


Discover how survivors in King County are driving positive change in our communities through KCSARC’s Empowered Voices program.

Exploring post-traumatic growth


The messages we send to survivors are critical to their recovery and growth; is “choose (post-traumatic) growth” a useful one? Experts at UW’s departments of Psychology and Psychiatry weigh in with a guest blog.

Myth vs. Fact
Believing survivors and breaking myths


When the community hears that a sexual assault victim’s report may have gaps, the immediate response is often to judge and condemn the victim.

That sends a chilling message to all survivors

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