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Five grooming behaviors to know


Season 1, Episode 11  How to spot five common behaviors that appear in the grooming of a child and community before sexual abuse occurs.

CW: child sexual abuse, mental and emotional manipulation

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The ‘What-if’ game builds resilience


Season 1, Episode 13 What if you could spend the day with your favorite celebrity—who would you choose? The “What if?” game can help parents/caregivers start conversations and build strong decision-making skills  any challenging issues your child may encounter.

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WA Legislative News


It is possible to stop sexual violence in all forms by working further upstream to change understandings, cultural norms, and ultimately behaviors. The place we see most promise is with young people.

Treatment of childhood sexual abuse

05.20.14 | By DeAnn Yamamoto

Counseling sessions can be a safe haven to process the tangled thoughts and feelings which are a result of victimization. But it’s just one piece of the puzzle.

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