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The ‘What-if’ game builds resilience


Season 1, Episode 13 What if you could spend the day with your favorite celebrity—who would you choose? The “What if?” game can help parents/caregivers start conversations and build strong decision-making skills  any challenging issues your child may encounter.

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Music to our ears! Heartfelt thanks to #WA senators @PattyMurray & @SenatorCantwell and all others for acting together to send a #VOCAFix onto @POTUS

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“We want people to have some faith in the institutions that we’ve created. To have to wait so long can fundamentally erode our confidence that things work.” -KCSARC Executive Director Mary Ellen Stone

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“As the country reopens and we transition out of the pandemic, one of its enduring lessons should be that asking for help is normal — a sign of strength, hope and grit — and we must give ourselves and others grace during times when help is needed.”

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Press Mention
King County’s courts are ‘barely keeping up’ with a massive backlog of cases due to the COVID-19 pandemic


Some 400 sexual assault victims have already been waiting nearly two years to testify against the people accused of hurting them.

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Amanda Nguyen keynotes Drawing on Our Strength Sept. 29


“People are more than just what happened to them. It’s what you do about it.” – Amanda Nguyen

Amanda keynotes Drawing on Our Strength fundraiser Sept. 29. Learn more about this amazing champion for survivor rights!


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We are excited to announce @nguyen_amanda CEO and Founder of @RiseNowUS will join us in conversation at our upcoming fundraiser Drawing on Our Strength on Wednesday September 29 at 12 pm! We would love to (virtually) see you there. Register today:

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.@SenatorCantwell support floor action on #VOCAFix this week! Vote YES on final passage of HR 1652 & NO on Toomey amendment that would kill the bill. Don’t leave for recess & leave crime victims behind!

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.@PattyMurray Thanks for co-sponsoring a #VOCAFix that would help victims here in #WA. Please support floor action this week! Vote YES on final passage of HR 1652 & NO on Toomey amendment that would kill the bill.

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.@SenSchumer support floor action on #VOCAFix this week! Vote YES on final passage of the House-passed VOCA Fix bill, H.R. 1652, and vote NO on Toomey amendment that would kill the bill. Don’t leave for recess and leave crime victims behind!

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