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It’s the season of giving, and every donation counts. You have the power to change lives and bring our community one step closer to eliminating sexual violence. We hope you think of KCSARC for your year-end giving!

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KCSARC stands with 1,500 other organizations nationwide working with survivors of sexual and domestic violence in calling on Congress to pass a #VOCAFix in the budget deal. Survivors can't wait! #Crisis4Victims

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.@RepAdamSmith please don't let VOCA go over the cliff. Include #VOCAFix in the Omnibus #Crisis4Victims +1500 victims rights orgs +56 Attorneys General & national orgs have asked for this fix

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.@RepKimSchrier please don't let VOCA go over the cliff. Include #VOCAFix in the Omnibus #Crisis4Victims +1500 victims rights orgs +56 Attorneys General & national orgs have asked for this fix

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.@RepJayapal please don't let VOCA go over the cliff. Include #VOCAFix in the Omnibus #Crisis4Victims +1500 victims rights orgs +56 Attorneys General & national orgs have asked for this fix

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.@RepDelBene please don't let VOCA go over the cliff. Include #VOCAFix in the Omnibus #Crisis4Victims +1500 victims rights orgs +56 Attorneys General & national orgs have asked for this fix

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.@SenatorCantwell please don't let VOCA go over the cliff. Include #VOCAFix in the Omnibus #Crisis4Victims +1500 victims rights orgs +56 Attorneys General & national orgs have asked for this fix

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.@PattyMurray please don't let VOCA go over the cliff. Include #VOCAFix in the Omnibus #Crisis4Victims +1500 victims rights orgs +56 Attorneys General & national orgs have asked for this fix


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KCSARC is registered with CARS, a fast and convenient way to get rid of a vehicle you no longer need to generate a much-needed donation to KCSARC. Learn more below, or call them at 1-855-500-RIDE to get started on your vehicle donation.

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We're pleased to advise producers on how survivors of assault are portrayed and perceived. KCSARC will be participating in a talkback Dec. 6 and 13. Ticket link below!

425.282.0324 — Ayuda en Español

Gratis y confidencial / Llame de lunes a viernes 8 am - 5 pm

Donate Now

888.998.6423 — 24/7 Resource Line

Free and confidential / Call for help or information 24 hours a day

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