Conseil consultatif des jeunes


About Us

KCSARC Conseil consultatif des jeunes is a group of teens from the King County area dedicated to preventing sexual violence. This group recognizes the common issues within schools and communities and comes together to collaboratively solve them.  Our goal is to inspire and encourage further youth sexual violence prevention efforts.


What We Do:

  • Offer Youth Perspective: Provide valuable insights on KCSARC projects from a youth perspective.
  • Community Participation: Engage in community events, including the BE LOUD Breakfast fundraiser.
  • Uplift Youth Voices: Amplify the voices and ideas of young people.
  • Consultation: Act as consultants for KCSARC and other community groups.
  • Outreach and Awareness: Conduct outreach and raise awareness among other youth.
  • Youth Programming: Develop and implement youth-specific programs.

Interested in joining?

Let us know you’re interested by completing the form below. We’ll be in touch to follow up!

Youth Advisory Council Application

Information you provide in this form will only be viewed by KCSARC's Youth Advisory Coucil staff and will help them respond to your application.

« * » indique les champs nécessaires

What project(s) do you feel most connected to? Select all that apply.*


Your form has been received by our Youth Advisory Council staff. Someone will contact you shortly.

425.282.0324 — Ayuda en Espagnol

Gratis y confidencial / Llame de lunes a viernes 8 h - 17 h

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888.998.6423 — Ligne de ressources 24/7

Gratuit et confidentiel / Appelez pour de l'aide ou des renseignements 24 heures sur 24