3,599 callers accessed information, crisis support and referrals in 2021.
2021-22 Impact Report
Give voice to victims, their families, and communities;
Create change in beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors about sexual violence; and
Instill courage for people to speak out about sexual assault.
A message to supporters
One of the ways we measure impact is by the number of lives that have changed because support was available — support you made possible when you chose to partner with the King County Sexual Assault Resource Center.
Last year, 5,059 individual survivors and their family members found the courage to speak out and find their own resilience to recover from trauma. Through direct, in-person prevention education and indirect, online outreach, resources and information about sexual assault were accessed by more than 73,000 people in the community.
These two pieces of data are connected in a virtuous circle: the more who know how to get help for themselves — or to help others who disclose to them — the more survivors can access supportive services, and the further we alleviate trauma effects.
This is what progress looks like.
We have reported for the last several years that more survivors than ever have found resources and support at KCSARC. It’s astonishing to realize that since 2017, those numbers have grown 23%.
In a year that could have stretched any nonprofit to the breaking point, our staff has pulled together to do what is best for our clients and community, and showed what resilience looks like amid more change and transition.
In late 2021, our long-time deputy executive director and program manager DeAnn Yamamoto announced she would retire after 38 years. Those were big shoes to fill to say the least. Thanks to good pre-planning and to DeAnn’s strategic leadership and foresight in cultivating a talented and committed group of program managers, an experienced team of leaders has emerged to capably take the reins.
Former clinical manager Larraine Lynch is now KCSARC’s Chief Program Officer, and has approached her new role with energy and vision. She oversees a team of directors, each focused on core pillars of our work: Laura Lurry directs client advocacy; Agustina Eiff directs clinical therapy; and Chris Johnson directs prevention education. This team is bringing both continuity and fresh ideas to the table, and I am excited about where KCSARC programs are heading.
One of our fastest-growing programs is Dando Voz, which served 31% more Latinx survivors and their family members in 2021 than the previous year.
KCSARC’s bilingual therapists, family educators and advocates build linguistic and cultural relevance into all services to restore hope for recovery, safety and stability. Our Dando Voz therapy staff is doing cutting-edge work that makes gold-standard, evidence-based practices even more effective. We have begun to be recognized for this work internationally, and have been sharing our experience with other community mental health providers across the country in the hope of making this highly effective treatment available to more survivors.
While we must continue to assist survivors after an assault, we look to prevention programming as the upstream solution that will stop perpetration from happening.
Research tells us stopping the perpetration of sexual assault begins by shifting behaviors and attitudes that have for too long poisoned the water that young people swim in. Clearing that water takes steady, committed engagement, but starting early and offered in age-appropriate, consistent dosages, we know change is possible.
Over the past year, a combination of private and public funding has allowed KCSARC to increase our prevention education staff, which is now at three full-timers. With this in place, we can implement proven effective prevention programming that we had begun in the Renton School District, amass data to continually improve and, hopefully, scale it up.
We raised our voices over the last year not only for individual survivors, but for systems changes that better respond to victims who engage in the criminal justice system.
At the local level, The Long Wait report exposed the unacceptable, lengthy wait for resolution of legal cases that survivors experience in King County. At the state level, we joined forces with sexual assault organizations across the state to focus lawmakers’ attention on the rights of victims to assistance and protection.
Overarching all of our work is the recognition that structural racism and oppression is baked into systems in which we operate. Like many organizations, ours is not immune to internal inequities and biases. There is no short-cutting the work involved in building an authentically antiracist, equitable and inclusive culture at KCSARC.
After many years building the foundations, I’m pleased to report we reached some important milestones this year. That includes empowering a committee of staff to lead an Anti-Racism and Equity Initiative, conduct an audit and create our first foundational plan to give us an actionable way forward. I look forward to reporting more progress.
Your partnership sent a powerful signal of hope for survivors and helped remove barriers to ending sexual assault in a very challenging and uncertain year. You made certain that services remained available to every survivor who sought help, and you strengthened our engagement with young people and communities to end sexual violence.
I am humbled and inspired by your commitment to our shared vision: a world free from sexual violence.
With gratitude,
Mary Ellen Stone, CEO
Your partnership meant new hope to thousands of courageous survivors like Jessica and Karen.
“Healing has helped me find my world of sparkle.”
“…It was something I’d avoided for years…I love my life now.”

More than 5,000 people found the support they needed to recover at KCSARC in 2021.
That’s a
23% increase
in the
last 5 years.
Click each icon below for more information about specific services and programs.

We delivered powerful lessons about boundaries, consent, and healthy communications from classrooms to our online channels.
Combined, we equipped more than
individuals to actively engage in ending sexual violence.

Last year,
almost half
of those KCSARC served were
children & teens.

Not all clients choose to share their racial identity. Of those who did in 2021, (click image to continue reading)
Not all clients choose to share their racial identity. Of those who did in 2021, a significant percentage identified as Black, Indigenous, and people of color. 15% of all clients who identified their race indicated they are Black, and another 11% identify as multi-racial. People who identify as Asian or Pacific Islander comprised 8% of KCSARC’s clients, while native/Indigenous survivors accounted for 2% of those who disclosed a racial identity.

In 2021, the vast majority of clients
— 89% —
knew the person who assaulted them.
Just 11%
of victims whom KCSARC supported
were assaulted by a stranger.

KCSARC supported survivors from every city in King County.
Almost half of our clients live in South King County.
Private Contributions ……………………. $1,982,406
Government Grants/Contracts……. $4,977,974
Fee for Service …………………………… $322,434
Misc. & Investment Revenue ……. $12,436
Total Revenue ………………………………… $7,295,250
Program Services ………………………… $ 5,403,690
Management & General ………………. $ 816,559
Fundraising & Communications …. $ 1, 182,319
Total Expense ………………………………. $ 7,402,568
“I applaud the important work that KCSARC is doing. You have helped so many people. I am thrilled to be able to support this very worthy and effective organization.”
– Winnie Stratton
“For nearly a decade, The Sheri and Les Biller Family Foundation has proudly partnered with KCSARC to support children and youth survivors of sexual violence and their families. We are honored to support the wraparound services that are critical to all survivors and their families to heal and thrive in their communities.”
– Audrey Haberman, CEO, The Sheri and Les Biller Family Foundation
“As my four daughters grew up, I was able to see the world through their eyes. I came to believe that it wasn’t enough to refuse to accept the world as it was. I had to oppose it. I want to support change. KCSARC is a great way for me to support the change and healing that we desperately need.”
– Dave Hamilton, President, Delivery Express Logistics, Inc.
“Immensely grateful for your leadership, advocacy and support for our community. Keep up the good work and look forward to continuing to stay engaged with KCSARC and its efforts.”
– Ana Anuradhika
Individuals, Corporations and Foundations contributed $1.98 million in 2021
Private funders in 2021 made sure that survivors and their families could access support the moment they reached out for help, and faced no barriers to service.
That generosity helped us innovate and grow our prevention education and outreach work in the community. As partners in our work, donors empowered young people with the tools they need to stop sexual violence from happening.
Thank you to our 2021 donors & partners
Bill and Janette Adamucci
Frank and Charlene Blethen
Angela and Eric Bultemeier
Paula and William Clapp
Rosanne Esposito-Ross and Louis Ross
Ellen Ferguson and Diana Sill
Steven Geffner
Suzanne Krahling
Elizabeth McCaw
Judy Pigott
Margaret Walker
Summer and Kyle Bozick
Gaylia and Larry Bullock
Rebecca Cates
Kathy and Thomas Dahlby
Tiffiny Evans
Lisa and William Holderman
Jo Anne and Alan Holt
Julie Kays
Alden and Meghan Kroll
Megan and Devin Kuttiamkonath
Brian and Diane Langstraat
Mark and Laura Lester
Jan Levy
Demi Mao
Elisabeth and Kit Merker
Rebecca and Johnathon Mohr
Jim and Mariette O’Donnell
Tavan Pechet
Thomas Rasmussen and Clayton Lewis
Rebecca Roe and Tim Greenleaf
Amy and Patrick Schlight
Anne and Greg Adams
Robert Albers
Kathleen Anamosa and Jim Taggard
Jessica and Jason Anderson
Anonymous Donors from Microsoft
Ana Anuradhika and Binay Kumar Pathak
Kate Battuello and Laurence Engel
Donald Bistline
Deirdre and Fraser Black
Thomas Thompson and Lisca Borichewski
Judith and J. Cleve Borth
Leslie and Joshua Boyd
Marnix Brinkhoff
Dodi and Richard Briscoe
Jacqueline Brown and Bill Wheatley
Jonathan and Carol Buchter
Tom and Julie Bui
Timothy Burgess
Mary and Mel Butler
Rick and Terri Catalani
Christine Charbonneau
Steve Cohn
Theresa Craw
John Croswell
Crissa Cugini
William DeJarlais
Bernadene and Dennis Dochnahl
Mark and Melissa Eamer
Noah Edelstein and Dianna Winegarden
Edward and Cimby Edelstein
Paul Elliott
Judy Ellis and Carl Ulmschneider
Jill Fagan
Steve Feth
Caitlin Feurey
Patty and Steven Fleischmann
Jesse and Catherine Franklin
Kyle Freeman
Joseph and Therese Gassert
Jordan and Carol Gates
Jeff and Julie Gelfuso
Yvonne and Daniel Hall
John Hanron
Annette and Michael Hargett
Lucy Helm
Piper Henry
Dennis and Karyn Higgins
Kathleen Hillenbrand
Eric and Claire Hogan
Kandace and Rick Holley
Ken and Tova Hornung
Jim Howard
Dee Isackson
Karli K Jorgensen and Thomas Everts
Lynda Kamrath
Daniel and Marilyn Keithly
Margaret Kineke and Dennis West
Eric Larson
Andrew and Donna Lee
Tim and Joan Leyh
Lars Liden
Howard Lowen
Alexander Macari
Jinhee Mack
Debra Madsen
Rowayne and Thomas Maguire
Bonnie Main and Richard Pichler
Alisha Mark
Julia and Colin May
Deanna and William McCoy
John McGary
Brooks McMahon
Elizabeth Merk
Arlene Mitchell
Clare and Robert Moe
Anna and Matthew Moore
Carl Morris and Sandrine Ducos
Jonathan Morrison and Lucy Davies
Sarah Muchinsky
Mitchell Olejko and Jill Wolcott
Daniel Peck
Lawton and Stephen Penn
Lisa Peterson and John Thuma
Jim and Lanette Peterson
Kemp Peterson
Donna Philips
Sherre and Greg Piantanida
Veronica Quinonez
Patrick Roux
Alexa Rudin
Paul and Carroll Sanford
Mary and Richard Santi
Daniel Satterberg and Linda Norman
Ryan and Stephanie Schafer
Diana and Derek Schuetz
Tom Schultz
Jeff and Catherine Schwartz
Steve and Pam Schwartz
Andrea and Kevin Scott
Karen and Dale Sharp
Susan Shaver
Stacy Shaw Welch, Ph.D.
Marilyn Sherron
Mark Sidran and Anais Winant
Devin Smith and Robin Moore
Dr. Donna Smith and Geoffrey Snyder
Phoenix Smith
Elizabeth Snapinn
Johann Song
Sheri Southern and Karin Kroh
Pat and Mardi St. Laurent
Katherine and Michael Stanfill
Linda Stauffer
Rich and Julie Stillman
Mary Ellen Stone and Gary Mahn
Kate Sullivan and Robert Denis
Laura Swapp
David Tarshes and Deborah Kerdeman
Jeanna Taylor
Alexandra and William Thompson
Christa and John Tinker
Marc and Nancy Tollefson
Leslie and Ian Tubbs
Kari Tupper
Jose Ubeda and Georgina Raworth
Diane and John Ulacia
Lauren Venezia
Susan Warwick
Masaki Watson
Carol Werner
Kathi White and Marcie Headen
Mary Williamson and Kurt Kiefer
Holly Wills Emmons
Kelsey and Peter Wilson
DeAnn Yamamoto
Lu Yang
Manisha Advani Chakraborty
Alexa Albert
Jennifer Allyn
Amy Edline and Carole Anderson
Eric Anderson
Eric Artz
Nancy and Kemon Backus
Jean-Loup Baer and Diane Roseman-Baer
Mark and Judith Benjamin
Carolyn and Daniel Bernhard
Fiona Blank
Megan Brady
Jennifer Cameron
Craig Campbell
Terrence and Diane Carroll
Katerie and Kevin Chapman
Grace Chien
Robyn Corr
Philip and Sharon Dawson
Kathleen Deakins
Courtney Dennis
Rev. Marvin Eckfeldt
Marcia and Doug Evans
Stephanie Fife
Jayme Filzen
Brian Fish
Don Fleming and Elizabeth Hanna
Michele Matassa Flores
Donna and David Foxley
Jeffrey Frank
Camille Gearhart and Timothy Burner
Susan and Robert Gellatly
Roberta Goodnow and Daniel Lipkie
Ann Gosch
Thomas and Jeannene Gould
Carolyn Gray
Kelley Hall
David Hamilton
David Hill
Bryan Howard
Jacquelyn Howard
Carissa Hunt
Stephen Huson
Jim and Simmi Hydzik
Rituja Indapure
Judge Laura Inveen and Bill Shaw
Diane Kappa and Steve Greimann
Michael Karn
Hana Kato
Tom Kimmet
Kiersten Knutson
Charles Kronbach
Alexandra and Ian Lee
Kale Lepak
Carla Lewis
Eric Johnson and Jennifer Lill
Dana Lorenze
Cathy Lowen
Laura and Robert Lurry
Larraine Lynch and Justin Slane
Anne Mace-Deines and Christopher Deines
Christine Martin
Joan McBride and Margaret Meister
Betty Anne and Allen McCall
Jessica McDowell and Josh Amato
Jonathan and Lisa McQuade
Danu McQuade
Yazmin Mehdi and Liam Lavery
Dan Menser
Kristian Miller
Charles and Kari Moore
Jared Moore
Heidi Munson
Charles Norton
Erika and Eric Nusser
Roger Nyhus
Dennis O’Leary
Travis Osborne
Lisa and Brad Porter
Gloria Pumphrey
Laurel and Kevin Redden
Jeff Richards
Stacey Robinson
Susan Roe and James Shaker
Roger Rogoff
James Rothenberger
Gabriel Schoonover
Joseph and Barbara Shickich
Kathryn Shields
Sylvia Shiroyama
Andre Sidler
Rhonda Slater
Skip Slavin
John and Laura Smiley
Rhonda Smith
Laura Smith
Lorraine Steed
David Sunderland
Jennifer Thomsen
Karen and Michael Thorp
Marsha Thrall
Carole Tomko
Ruth and Jerry Verhoff
Logan and Ashleigh Vessey
Constance von Muehlen
Judith Wagonfeld
Sandy Wainwright
Ellen Wallach and Tom Darden
Peter Wickstrand
Peter Wilson
Fritz Wollett
Judith Woods
Brian Wynne
Emma Zawila
Lori Zoellner, Ph.D.
Up to $499
Theodore and Wynona Abber
Terry Abrams
Patricia Adams and James Whitson
Sabine Adams
Carlos Adams
Danger Adkins
Jessie Adkins
Frank Albanese
Elnetha Aldridge
Donald and Sonna Alexander
Bret Alexander
Julia Algire
Subbu Allamaraju
Megan and Wayne Allen
Sarah and Robert Alsdorf
Laura Altschul and Nancy Alpers
Frances Ames
Sarah Ammons
Richard Anderson
Kristina Anderson
Tish Anderson
Maria and Ricardo Antezana
Ioanna Antonopoulos
Andrew Arana
Susan and Edward Archibald
Carlota Arias
Peggy Armstrong
Sharon Armstrong
Sarah Armstrong
Deanna Armstrong
Amy Asbury and Kevin Rogers
Anna Asbury Rogers
Ben Asher
David Askov
Julia Atkins
Denise Aubuchon
Mark Ausman
Azaria Azene
Christopher Backous
Vincent Badagnani
Robert Bahnsen
Mike Balm
Brenda Balyeat
Rebekah Banales-Ferretti
Heather Banks
Barbara Banon
Nikolas Baptiste
Manuel Baquero
Matt Barmore and Nancy Hanson
Maria Barnett
Colleen Barrett
Tim Baston
Daniel Baxter
Mel Bayly
Diana Beaulaurier
Kneishia Beckwith-Vinson
Kristin Bedard
Jess Begus
Jennifer Bell
Alex Bellocq
Shawn Belyea
Angelina and Robert Benedetti
Michael Benkel
Jim Bennett
Heidi Berg
Tina Berge
Jessica Berliner and John Cell
Karen Besserman
Juli Beth Hinds
Mary Beth Short
Jeannine Bienn
Valerie Billmire
Whitney Binckley
Paul Birney
Angela Birney
Beth Bisignano
Baxter Black
Ali Black
Rachel Blackburn
Deidre Blackenship
Maggie Blaine
Cynthia Blank
Nikki Blase
Joshua Blondo
Avalonne Blondo
William Blum and Kay Smith-Blum
Shana Boe
Mallory Boggs
Jenna Boitano
Amy Bolin-Deon
Shawn Bomers and Renee Rassilyer-Bomers
Antoinette Bonsignore
Alan Bornstein
Devon Bortfeld
Jennifer Bottger-Smiley
Michelle Bouchard
Jon Bourgault
Ellen Bourne-Marshall
Lee Anne Bowie
Bill Boyce
Shannon Braddock
Margaret Bradly
Emily Brandenfels Mora
Amy Brandt
Rita and Richard Brautigam
Jessica Briere
Dannetta Brim
Hans Brinkhoff
Janice Bristol
Ariane Brito
Sophia Brocenos
Debra Brockman
James Brogdon
Fabienne and Herbert Brooks
Herbert Brooks
Dan Broome-Raines
Doug Brown
Kim Brown
Jessica Brown
Kimberly Brown
Patricia Bruckbauer
Erica Bruton
Krista and Benjamin Bryan
Anne Bryant
Nagle Buchanan
Paul Bucknor
Kathi and Terry Bulfin
Nanette Bultemeier
Susan Bunch
Katie Bunn-Marcuse
Justin Burgess
Claudia Burke
Erin Burke
Collin Burnett
Margaret Burnham
Aubony Burns
Kristy and Charles Butt
John and Renee Butts
Traci Buxton
Nicole Byl
Alexander Heintz
Lacey Cain
Lyndsey Calvert
Daneen Calvin and Deanna Long
Scott Cameron
Judge Gregory Canova and Barbara Linde
Brittany Capps
Walter Cardona
Kim Carlson
Diane Carlson
Daphne Carr
Kathleen Carroll
Dana Cashman
Natalie Cerna
Sarah Chambers
Joshua Chambers
Wendy Chan
John Chapman
John Charles
Robert Chateauneuf
Jesus Chavez
Louise Chernin
Marina Chibazakura
Nancy Chibazakura
Tracy Childress
Cristin Childress
Lexi Chipman
SJ Chiro
Mindy Christman
Albert Chu
Sally Clark
Kristi Clark
Ben Clark
Liz Clark
Tracy and Ian Clarkson
Martha Clatterbaugh
James Claussen
Stephanie Cline
Scott Cline and Carolyn Cohen
David Coffey
Monique Cohen
Judith Coito
Capt. Carl Cole and Jessica Sullivan
Stephen Cole
Janet Sue Collins
Gil Colunga
Lynn Comber
Ruth Conn, MD
Catherine Connell
Danielle Coomans
Linda Cooper
Dia Cooper
Karilynn Cooper
Karen Cope
Sarah Cornell-Maier
Gisele Corrie
Claudia Cortes
Vanessa Corwin
Dana Corwin
Colleen Cottson
Andy Coughlin
Julie Cowen
Jessica Cowles
Meg Crager
Judy and Gene Craig
Andrew Creech
Alan Crews
Magan Cromar
Laura Crosta Rivera
Lindsey Cruz
Chris Culver
Brian Curley
Alison Cushing
Lora Dahmen
Michael Daly
Laura Daly
Al Dams
Janine Dana
Debra Dane
Alice Dawn
Kelly Day
Jasmine De Leon
Barbara de Michele
Michael Dean
Bonnie DeCaro-Monahan
Tiffany Dehaan
Cristina Del Alma
Lisa Delamater Bentley
Angela Dellinger
Michelle Dembsky
Rebecca Denney
Betsy Dennis
Celeste Derheimer, RN
Linda Derrig
Gregory Deviny
Julie Dismang
Christine Dixon
Richard Dobyns and Jean Gorecki
Suzanne Dolberg
Julia and Mike Donnelly
Jason Dougherty
Angela Doyle
Daniel Drais
Christine Drape
Rebecca and Chris Drew
Donna Drouin
Rebecca Drury
Wilmer Dueno
Sandy and Will Dupleich
Mary Durbin
Tim Durnin
Irene Durnin
Bailey Durnin
Alexandra DuSablon
Sheryl Duyungan
Emily Dworkin
Alice Hanson
Sally Eagan
Pamela Eakes
Crystal Eckley
Mary Edington
Diane Edmonds
Mary and Bryce Edwards
Dennis Edwards
Darcey Eilers
David Eldred
Brenda Elliott
Jason Ellis
Christiane Elsbree
John Emau
Paula Emerick
Holly Emmons
Alison Enochs
Yuya Era
Ceil Erickson
Lynn Ernst
Jacqueline Esteban
Gloria Esteban
Erin Esteban Mejia
Leydi Evangelista
Stephen Evans
Celestine Evans
Erin Evans
Angela Fang
Walt Fangman and Janice Flynn
Rollin Fatland
Chris Faulkner
Kurt Feilke
Deisi Fernandez
Paola Fernandez
Gail Ferrari
Deborah and Richard Ferse
Megan Finck
Susan Findlay-Nomura
David Fine
Sarah Finney
Mary Durnin Firth
Jim Fischer
Lindsay Fitch
Nancy and Terry Flajole
William Flash
Ann Fletcher
Michelle Flood
Kerry Flory
Melinda Becker-Flotlin and Ric Flotlin
Lisa Flotlin
Alice Fong
Patricia Foote
Stacie Foster
Marta Fowler
Evan Fowler
Barbara Frank
Barbara Frazier
Gretchen Frederich
Amy Freedheim
Jennifer Freeman
Karen Friedman and Robert Snyder
David Frum
Linda Frye
Linda Fukuoka
Linda and Gerald Gallagher
Madison Gallagher
Rob Gannon and Cathleen Collins
Natalia Garcia
Todd Gardner
Matthew and Marcy Gardner
Katie Gardner-Boehm and Matt Boehm
Kashish Garg
Lizbeth Garrels
Janet Garrow
Joan Garrow
Luci Gavilanes
Julie Gelfuso
Joe Geraghty
Posy Gering
Ashley Gianninotti
Thomas Giardino
John Gietzen
Lisbeth and James Gilbert
Seth Gilligan
AnnaJoy Gillis
Cassie Gilmore
Ariel Glassman
Chris Glein
Diane Glenn
Carol and Tal Godding
Ann Godejohn
Nancy Goebel
Michael Gogo
Carolyn Goldstein
Merkys Gomez and Michael Bundesmann
M. Lorena Gonzalez
Matt Gonzalez
Anne Goodrich
Emily Gordon
Mary Gotti
Dorothy Graham and William Knight
Donald and Ginny Gray
Jacob Green
Richard Greene
Sarah Greene
Christy Greenwood
Alice and Willie Gregory
Sharon Grennan
Kathryn Greve
Sara Griggs
Birgit Grimlund
Matthew Gross
Cynthia Gross
Kamuron Gurol
Lynn and George Guttmann
Oscar Guttormsen
Ryan Hachtel
Jennifer Hagander-Luanava
Amy Hahn
Anika Hahn
Marilyn Hair
Ruth Ann Halford
Rita Hall
Jennifer Hall
Jill Hamada
John Hamann
Jarrod Hamilton
Daren Hamilton
William Hamilton
Kari Hammett-Caster
Janice Hanlon
Sara Hanneman
Scott and Kara Hansen
Lauren Hansen
Sara Hansen
Kristen Hanthorn
Joni Hardwick
Jennifer Harjehausen
Lieutenant Myra Harmon
Richard Harrington
Gail Harris
Walter Hart
Ms. Nichole Harter
Gordon Harter
Duane Harter
Linda J Hartzell
Mary Beth Hasselquist
Nancy Haver
Jane Hedreen
Cristine Hefner
Kathleen Heiman
Cindy Heimgartner
David Henderson
Robert Henderson
Amy Henderson
Mary Lynn Henderson-DeBoo and John DeBoo
Patricia Hennelly
David Henrich
Ms. Amy Hepburn
Carol Hering-Phillips and Bruce Phillips
Joyce Herman
Lauren Hernandez
Shelley Hernandez
Becca Hersh
Melinda Hews
JoAnn and Denny Higgins
Daniel Higgins
Haley Higgins
Olivia Higgins
Amy Higgins
Judith Hightower
Gloria Hirashima
Marko Hlibchuk
Rebecca Hoag
Taylor Hoang
Grant Hockin
Broady Hodder
Woody Hodge
Ash Hoffman
Donna Hoffman
Rhonda Hoffman
Melinda Hohlbein
Erik Hokkanen
Lorna and Paul Holland
Douglas Hollenbeck
Beth Holmberg
Peter Holmes
Natalie Holubec
Cindy Hong
Matt Hood
Christy Hooppaw
Robin Hopkins
Bonnie Horton
Nicolette Hortsch and Michael Warner
Robyn Howisey
Jeannie Hu
JoanMarie Hughes
Michele Hughes
Seth Hughes
Marysol Huizar
Sharon and Steve Huling
Jane Hummer
Oveta Hunter
Monica Hunter-Alexander
Brad Hupp
Beth Huppin and David Bennett
Martine Hussey
Robyn Hutchinson
Julie Hutson
Beth Hyland
Kathy Ifft
Catherine Iles
Paul and Elizabeth Inghram
Trudi and Jay Inslee
Susan and Larry Irwin
Dewretha Isherwood
Alexandra Ivey
Vivian Bruns
Carrie Jackson
Tamara Jackson
Genevie Jacobs
Heidi Jacobsen-Watts
Heather Jahns
Michael Jan
Connor Janhunen
Fred Jarrett
Janet Jassen
David and Camille Jassny
Lisa Jefferson
Dawn Jeffries
Henry Jenkins
Barbara Jensen
Christopher and Laurie Johnson
Heather Jernquist
Lincoln Reedy and Claire Jesse
Jannike Johnsen
Mary Johnson
Jonelle Johnson
David and Glenna Johnson
Terry Johnson
Patricia Johnson
Travis Johnson
Adam Johnson
Andrew Johnston
Debra and Dave Jones
John Jones and Noelle Daly-Jones
Scott Jones
Angela Jones
Roberto Jourdan
Becca Judy
Maranda Juneau
Lynne Kalina
Ryan Kam
Juliet Kandel and Kelly Kristjanson
Saralee Kane
Jennifer Karr-Lee
Andrew Katz
Laurie Kavanagh
Albert Kavanagh
Danielle Keçeci
Amber Kegley
Laina Keim
Brad Kelln
Carolyn Kelly
Jeremy and Lisette Kelly
Thomas and Mary Kelly
Paul Kenneth Hanks
Gary Kern
Paul Kiefer
Gina Kinchlow
Doreen Kindred
Benjamin Kirk
Sarah Kirschner
Mariko Kita
Emma Klein
Joyce Kling
Jill Klinge
Jerrica Klout
Alan Klug
Mary Knight
Daniel Knoepfler
Michael Knoll
Carmen Knox
Eric Knutson
Jeanne Kohl-Welles
David Koppy
Emily Korson
Atin Kothari
Caroline Kramer
Pam Kramer
John and Cheryl Krieg
Vanessa Kritzer
Sharon Krogstad
Garrett Krueger and Mieko Hart
Christopher Krull
Anne Kurle
Sydney Hammerquist
Jason LaFavor
Kathy Lambert
Teagan Lampman
Haley Lampman
Colleen Lang
Christine Lange
Margaret Larson
Michael Lasecki
Mary Laskowski and Jake Koenigsberg
Courtney Laughery
Steve Lavine
Mari Lawler
Rita Lawson
Katie Lawson-Rogers
Judy Lazarus
Michelle Le
Alex Le
Anne-Laure Le Reverend
Barbara Leaf
Deborah Lee
Grace Lee
Kim Lee
Dawn Lee Akers
Elizabeth Lehinger
Kim Lemar
Jody Lemke
Caroline Leu
Anne Levinson
Mel Lewin
Timothy Lewis and Tove Tupper
Andrew Lewis
Judy Lewis
Robert and Carol Lewis
Daniel Lewis
Patricia Lewis
Guadalupe Leyvas Price
Erik and Colleen Lied
Rachel Ligtenberg
Heidi Limmer
Mikayla Linakis
Darian Lindle
Theresa Lindow
Katherine Lindsey
Monet Lion
David Lischner
Jen Liteky
Michaela Littman
Wenchi Baccellieri
Michele Livingston
J.D. Lloyd & Julia Leonas
Julie Lochner
Benjamin Loeb
Chanelle Loftness
Samuel Logozzo
Danielle Long
Kendra Long
Pamela Lopez
Adriana Lopez-Esteban
Fay Losser
Jenn Loutey
Andrea Lovanhill
Bob and Lisa Low
Jennifer Lowe
Robin Luckey
Deidre and Douglas Luft
Marie Lux
Becca Lynn
Raquel Lynn Karls
Sandra M. Watson
Hannah Macaluso-Green
Scott MacDonald
Rita Macdonald
Alasdair Mackintosh
Jason Madlung
Cindy Madrid
David and Susan Maehren
Angela Magic
Chris Mah
Mary Maier
Joseph Mallahan
Melinda Mann
Ms. Shami Marangwanda
Stacy Marchesano
Julie Margulies
Ms. Kelli Marie
Amy Marko
Joel Martell
Mary Martin
Lorene Martin
Robin Martin
Troy Martin
Brittnee Martinez
Maylin Martinez Morera
Tyrean Martinson
Brice Maryman
Carol Masnik
Cecilia Matta
Jon Mattsen
Carolyn Maxim
Marcie Maxwell
Laura and Damon May
Melinda Mayer
David Mayer
Jake Mayson
Connor McBride
Doug McCarthy
Tresai McCarver
Jason McClain
Helen McClenahan
Susan and Matthew McCormick
Margaret McCurdy
Councilmember Joe McDermott
Sheila McDonald
Ms. Lindsay McGee
Deirdre McGuinness
Colleen McIngalls
Megan McJennett
Michael McKay
Rob McKenna
Elizabeth McLafferty
Hilary McLaughlin
Kimberlee McLaughlin
Elizabeth McLeod
Karen McLuskey
Shawna McMahon
Terry McMillan
Sandi McMillan
Julie McNamara-Dahl
Barbara and James McQueen
Cindy McRoberts and Ed Walker
Amy McRory
Betty Means and Jeff Smith
Gerard Menendez
Maya Menon
Kathleen Menzies
Scott Menzies
Donna Merkeley
Marshall Merriam
Bill Messmer
Zandria Michaud
Jacques Michel
Phyllis Middleton
Aaron Miller
Hillary Miller
Beryl Miller
Holly Miller
Ellen and Edward Milles
Pamela Mills
Mary Lou Mills
Paul Ming
Gayle Miyake
Christina Miyamasu
Katy Mjelde
Michael Mohandeson
Samuel Wineburg and Susan Monas
Helen Monroe
Jordi Montes
Amy Montgomery
Brenda Moore
Kris Moore
Erin Moore
Erika Moore Jenkinson
Dominique Morel
Susan Moriarty
Jill and John Morones
Aileen Morris
Sarah Morris
Patricia Mort
Mahrukh Motafram
Penton Mott
Michael Heinisch
Brian Moynihan
William Mueller
Brad Muller
Leslie Mullins
Cheantell Munn
Harry Murphy
Stephen Nasca
Steve Nasca
Amy Nash
Mark and Julie Nelson
Laura and Michael Nelson
Anna Joyce and Richard Nelson
Matty Nelson
Elena Nerviani
Helene Neu
Gary Nichols
James Nickerson
Vanessa Nieman
Judy and Steve Niver
Allison Niver
Michael Nixon
Shanice Nope
Valerie Normand
Erin Nott
Victor Obeso
Michael OConnell
Robert and Kay O’Connell
David O’Connell
Tom O’Connor
Molly O’Donnell
Michael and Valerie O’Halloran
Paige Olivares
Marsha Olson
Laura Olson-Townsend
Michele and William Orr
Representative Tina Orwall
William D Osmer
Jessica Ost
Terrie Paine
Richard Palmer
Karen Pang
Nick Papa
Nanoh Park
Katarzyna Patora
Julianne Patten
Paul Patterson
Deborah Paul and John Featherston
Steffie Pavey
Sally Paxton
Paula Peacock
Elizabeth Pearson
Janice Peconga
Marie Pereda
Fachon Perry
Janet and Bud Perschek
Jean Perschek
Elisha Person
Lauren Petersen
Nancy Peterson
Alanna Peterson
Lindsey Peterson
Mary Ann Philichi
Kate Philips
Michael Phillips
Lawrence R Phillips
Sherry Picard
Linda Pillo
Jean Pishaw
Abigail Pishaw
Joe Plouf
Janette Plunkett
Manjit Pohar
Greg Polkinghorn
Juan Posada
Amy Powell
Deborah Powers
Stevi Prettyman
Barbara Price
Michael Purdy
Kyle Purnell
Paul and Barbara Quay
LaWana Quayle
Stephanie Quinn
Robert Quinones
Carol and Pete Radochonski
Dana Ralph
Sally Rampersad
Theresa Ramsdell
Holly Rasmussen
Gail Ratley
Don Raz
Michele Rebert
Sarah Reckard
Merle Redd-Jones
Madison Reed
Cindy Reed
Hayden Reisman
Mary Reiten
Susan and Alan Reiter
Vanessa Resler
Jessica Resler
Ms. Arhonda Reyes
Sarah Reyneveld and Joel Merkel
Michael Rice
Nadine Rich
Jennifer and Jeffrey Richards
Graham Richardson
Foster Rick
Jason Stoff and Angela Rickard
Debra Rider
Kathleen Riley
Lynda Ring-Erickson
Meenakshi Rishi
Jennifer Ritchie
Betsy Rivera
Rebecca Robertson
Lynne Robinson and Dan Watson
William Robinson
Tracy Robinson
Susan and Robert Rochat
Sally Rochelle
Mary Roden
Tori Rodgers
Dawn Rodney
Janet Rodriguez
Ed Rogan
Louis Rogers
Patty Rogers
Karen and Ken Roll
Carol Roll
Lourdes Romao
Kim Rose
Erin Rose
Peter Rosencrans and Becca Rudin
Harriet Round
Erika Ruberry and Adam Goldfarb
Mike and Lisa Ruffin
Elizebeth Rutherford
Louise Ryan
Shaina Sabatine
Elizabeth Salomone
Marshall Sana
Benjamin Santos and Happy Salinas-Santos
Mark Santos-Johnson
Barbara Sardarov
Leslie Savina and John Milne
Priyanjali Saxena
Jennifer Sayrs
Joshua Schaer
Judith and Ray Schafer
Julie Schauffer
Kate Schenot
Patrick Schneider
Helena Schoetzow
Michael and Carolyn Schutzler
Claudia Scipio-Williams
Joseph Scott
Vergia Seabrook
Jennifer Seffernick
Arlene Seifert
Ivan Sekulic
Laura Selzer
Sue Sewell
Darshana Shanbhag
Doree Shandera
Sabina Shapiro
Ms. Jennifer Sharp
Katie Shearer
Chris Shepard
Amy Shepherd
Jenny Sheridan
Patricia Sherron-Burks
Linda Shigaki and Mark Baker
Scott Shope
Cassie Short
Kayla Shovlowsky
Carol Sibley
James Silva
Katrina Simmons
Jennifer Simons
Susan Simons
Teresa Simpson
Bri Simpson
Bernice Simpson
Hope Sison
Nick Skolness
Lowell Skoog
Stephanie Slagel
Gary Slotnik
Lynette Smallwood
Mark Smith
Shelby Smith
Naomi Smith
Henry Smith
Ellen Smith Nebre
Jennifer Smitrovich
James Snell
Cheryl Snow
Brenda Snyder
Elizabeth Sokol
Jennifer Sorrells
Michael Sousa
Rebecca Souza
Charles Spaeth and Rebecca Brown
Maureen Spain
Kathy Specht
Pamela Spee
Katherine Spengler
Erika Spongberg
Elizabeth Stasio
Allison Stasney
Patrick Stellmon
Sonja Stendal
Erica Stephens
Steven Sterne and Jennifer Dice
Carol Stevens
Kathryn Stewart
Monica Stewart
Paul Stewart
Peter Stewart
Mari Stosich-Wall
Winnie Stratton
Jessie Strauss
Brandon Stribling
Amy Stump
Laura Stutsman
Jolynn Suko
Jeffrey and Patsy Sullivan
Sheehan and Peter Sullivan-Finch
Ann and John Summers
Mike Susz
Buddy Sutton
Kiana Swearingen
Thalia Syracopoulos
Kimberli Szegiet
Shinji Takahashi
Doug Takeuchi
Michele Tangaro
Nina Tarik
Keegan Tasker
Melissa Taylor
Deborah Terry
Monica Terry
Mattie Tharpe
Jason Thayer
Alexander Thielman
Kenneth Thiem
Kate Thies
Alec Thomas
Hanni Thomas
Samantha Thomas
Tracy Thomas Robinson
Mark Thompson
Jacqueline Thompson
Matthew Thurston
Jennifer Tininenko and Matthew Rarity
Lilia Torres
Davina Touchton
Carolyn Town
Kourtney Traina
Kim Tran
Melanie Tratnik
Virginia Trethewey
Stephanie Trollen
Laura Troyani
Laura Turczanski
Lenora Turner
Nancy Turner
David Ubaldi
Kara Udarbe Dinlasan
Zachary Uhrich
Sarah Unbehaun
Kathy Ungerman
Councilmember David Upthegrove
Janis and Rodney Utley
Kendra and David Valentine
Margie Van Duzer
Robert Van Horn
Chris Vance
Adam Vance
Loren VandenBerghe
Michelle Vaughan
Celina Vazquez
Adisha Verma
Lucy Vernasco
Diana Verne
Andrea Vitalich
Stephen Vitalich
Lauren Vlas
Angela Vogel
Mr. Michal Voloshen
George and Angeline von Fuchs
Victoria Vreeland
Noopur Vyas
Patricia and Edward Wagner
Katy Walden
Amy Walen
Jolene Wall
Wilma Wallace
Deborah Wallace and William Adams
Sarah Wallace
Leslie Wallis
Mary Walls
Ms. Katie Waltemyer
Keri Walter
Ella Ward
Ronald Ward
Margaret Ward
Katherine Ward
Susan Ward-Moynihan
James Washburn
Shawn Wattles
Gail Watts
Ted Webb
Marie Webster
Alexis Weil
Perry Weinberg
Elizabeth Weinstein
Patrick Wellnitz
Kelli Wells
Heidi Wells
Myron and Joella Weybright
Amy White
Betty White
Judith White
Lyam White
Richard White
Anita White
Jason Wilcox
Hope Wiljanen
Fran Wilkinson
Carrie Williams
Jamie Williams
Kathryn Williams Bamford and Doug Bamford
Jay Williamson
Heidi Willoughby
Shawn Wilsher
Todd Wilson
John and Rebecca Wilson
Dee Ann Wilson
Anastacia Wilson
Grant Winfrey
Helen Winkler
Jason Winnell
Morgan Wiseman
Ashley Wolf
Lacey Jane Wolfe and Craig Roberts
Sara Wolfe
Kimberly Wolters
April Wong
Joseph Woo
Jessica Wood
Marion Woyvodich
Courtney Wright
Donna Wright
Chase Wright
Shanyn Wright
Marvin Yamaguchi and Dianne Graham
Mika Yamamoto
Sung Yang
Tauni Yarnell
Sarah and Bryan Yates
Sharen and Frederick Yeatts
Megan Yoshimura
Austin Young
Ellen Young
The Honorable Dennis Yule (ret) and Lynda Yule
Kimberly Zaidberg
Barbara Zeff
Betsy and Charles Zeifman
Father Gary Zender
April Zito
Carri-Ann Zizman
Leah Zoller
Spring Zoog and Richard Marks
$25,000 - $49,999
Aven Foundation
The Sheri and Les Biller Family Foundation
Brettler Family Foundation
The Chisholm Foundation
Lightlamper Family Foundation
Microsoft Corporation
Seattle Foundation
$10,000 - $24,999
Archdiocese of Seattle
Bernier McCaw Foundation
Byron and Alice Lockwood Foundation
Costco Wholesale
Expedia, Inc.
First Financial Northwest Foundation
Hasbro Children’s Fund – Wizards of the Coast
Schroeter Goldmark & Bender
Zevenbergen Capital Investments, LLC
$5,000 - $9,999
Ash Grove Charitable Foundation
The Beim Foundation
Boeing Employees Community Fund
Charter Construction, Inc.
Collective Solutions Giving Group
Davis Wright Tremaine, LLP
Delivery Express Logistics, Inc.
Finance of America Cares (FOA Cares)
Friedman Rubin and Cheryl L. Snow
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
HD Fowler Company
HKM Employment Attorneys LLP
Joshua Green Foundation, Inc.
JPMorgan Chase
Kaiser Permanente
Keithly Electric Company
King County Metro
Muckleshoot Indian Casino
Schlemlein Fick & Franklin, PLLC
Virginia Mason Franciscan Health
Vulcan Inc.
Washington Gastroenterology
Washington State Association for Justice
$2,500 - $4,999
Alaska Airlines, Inc.
BNSF Railway Foundation
Columbia Bank
Committee for Children
Gesher Fund of the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle
Horizons Foundation
K&L Gates LLP
Parker, Smith & Feek Inc.
Symetra Financial
Terrell Marshall Law Group PLLC
Tulalip Tribes Charitable Contributions
The Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati Foundation
Up to $2,499
Adobe Systems, Inc.
Bungie Inc.
Charity On Top Foundation, Inc.
City of Federal Way
Davis Polk
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Geoengineers Inc.
Google Inc.
Liberty Mutual
McEachern Foundation
McKinstry Co. Charitable Foundation
RealNetworks Foundation
Renton Regional Community Foundation
Robert Half International Inc.
Rotary Club of Renton
Simpson Manufacturing Co., Inc.
Timberland Bank
Washington Women’s Foundation
Wells Fargo